Гранты » The Integrated Programme (IP)


The Integrated Programme (IP) scheme is aimed at supporting excellent problem-oriented interdisciplinary research to the benefit of development and societal issues in the South. The research should lead to new insights, applications, theories or breakthroughs in current knowledge or understanding while addressing developmental issues:

fitting into WOTRO’s thematic framework, inspired by international agendas, notably the UN Millennium Development Goals (see Annex I): (A) Poverty and Hunger; (B) Global Health and Health Systems; (C) Sustainable Environment; (D) Global Relationships;

in a broad sense, touching upon topics or problem areas that are not covered under the Millennium Development Goals, in which WOTRO especially seeks proposals that go beyond mainstream discourse and practice of development and research for development.

An IP has to be a collaborative initiative of researchers from the Netherlands (NL) and from one or more developing countries (DC). Developing countries include all low and middle-income non-EU countries that qualify for receiving Official Development Assistance (ODA), as defined by the OECD (see www.oecd.org/dac/stats/daclist) . DC researchers and relevant stakeholders from outside the scientific community are expected to be engaged in all phases of the programme, from the inception phase to the sharing of emerging results.

Who can apply

Applications must be formally submitted by a senior researcher with a PhD degree, employed by a NWO recognised grant recipient or by an international centre for scientific education based in the Netherlands. A senior researcher from the partner organisation in the developing country concerned with a PhD degree should be the co-applicant and a member of the coordinating team.
What can be applied for

The financial support (maximum budget € 700,000) concerns research and personnel costs (salary and / or living allowance), as well as costs for joint programme activities.

Preliminary proposals
Full proposals
When can be applied

The procedure is split into two stages with a preliminary and final application. It is compulsory to submit a preliminary application. New applications can be submitted twice a year, in April and September.
Extra Information

Awarded programmes can usually start one year after submitting the preliminary application.


The applications are evaluated on the scientific quality, as well as on development relevance and the quality of international collaboration. The description of the selection criteria can be found in the brochure, which will be availble at the opening of the call.

Additional information
Ms. A. Wells-Mouw
phone: +31 (0)70 344 07 63, e-mail: wells@nwo.nl

Опубликовано: больше года назад
Источник: http://www.nwo.nl/subsidiewijzer.nsf/pages/NWOA_6XRG5G_Eng?opendocument
Страна: Нидерланды