О проекте

Title of the project: "NEOPAGAN CONTEXT OF THE RUSSIAN COSMISM: FOUNDATIONS AND EURISTIC POTENTIAL". Plan of the project: Introduction. Chapter 1. Review of the publications in the research field, methods of research. Chapter 2. Neopaganism as a phenomenon of culture. 2.1. Structural and semantical model of the Pagan paradigm: Ancient and Eastern Slav cultural traditions. 2.2. Genesis and Typology of the Neopagan tendencies in European culture. 2.3. Neopagan dimension of the twentieth century culture: the problem of conceptualization. Chapter 3. The philosophy of Russian cosmism as a renaissance of the pagan spiritual paradigm. 3.1. Paradigmatic foundations of the philosophy of Russian Cosmism: neopagan aspect. 3.2. Representation of the neopagan context of Russian Cosmism in Nikolai Fedorov’s philosophy of “common cause”. 3.3. The neopagan situation and prospective of cultural development in the new millenium. Conclusion. Plan of research activities: 1 – 2 sem-s. • Consultations with the scientific advisor, discussion and approval of the plan of the dissertation. • Library work, collecting materials for research. • Work on chapter 1 «Review of the publications in the research field, methods of research». • Work on chapter 2 «Neopaganism as a phenomenon of culture». • Presentation of research results: participation in conferences, preparation of publications 3 – 4 sem-s. • Work on chapter 3 «The philosophy of Russian Cosmism as a renaissance of the pagan spiritual paradigm». • Development of the course “Pagan and neopagan tendencies in culture” for the students of philosophy. • Participation in research projects related to the problems of pagan (neopagan) dimension of culture. • Presentation of research results: participation in conferences, preparation of publications.

P 01.03.02 – 31.03.02; 01.03.2010 - 30.04.2010: Scholarship of the Mianowski Fund and Stefan Batory Foundation/ Warsaw, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Poland Academy of Sciences, Poland

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