О проекте

Title of the project: "THE PHENOMENON OF NEOPAGANISM IN THE EUROPEAN CULTURE OF THE XX C.: PHILOSOPHICAL AND POLITICAL ASPECTS" Plan of the project: Introduction. Chapter 1. Review of the publications in the research field, methods of research. Chapter 2. Neopaganism as a phenomenon of culture. 2.1. Structural and semantically model of the Pagan paradigm: Ancient and Eastern Slav cultural traditions. 2.2. Genesis and typology of the Neo-pagan tendencies in European culture. 2.3. Neopagan dimension of the twentieth century culture: the problem of conceptualization. Chapter 3. The modern philosophy and ideology as a renaissance of the pagan spiritual paradigm. 3.1. Paradigmatic foundations of the Russian philosophy and politics in XX c.: neopagan aspect. 3.2. Representation of the neopagan context in Slovak philosophical and ideological tradition in the XX c. 3.3. The neo-pagan situation and prospective of cultural development in the new millennium. Conclusion. Plan of research activities: 1 sem-r (September 2008 - January 2009)- • Consultations with the scientific advisor, discussion and approval of the plan of the research project. • Library work, collecting materials for research. • Work on chapter 1 «Review of the publications in the research field, methods of research». • Work on chapter 2 «Neopaganism as a phenomenon of culture». • Presentation of research results: participation in conferences, preparation of publications. 2 sem-r (February 2009 - August 2009)- • Work on chapter 3 «The modern philosophy and ideology as a renaissance of the pagan spiritual paradigm». • Development of the course «Pagan and neo-pagan tendencies in culture» for the students of philosophy and political studies. • Participation in research projects related to the problems of pagan (neo-pagan) dimension of culture. • Presentation of research results: participation in conferences, preparation of publications.

Научная область

Политические науки

P 01.01.09 - 30.06.09; 01.09.09 – 30.01.10: Scholarship of the National Scholarship Program of the Slovak Republic/ Institute of Political Science, Slovak Academy of Sciences/ Bratislava, Slovakia.

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