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Эти статьи интересовали некоторых коллег. Даны линки

июл 31, 2022 | 11:07
Эти статьи интересовали некоторых коллег. Даны линки на электронные файлы.
2022.07.30. The data from Analytics of Academia.edu;
Attention of users on July 31 (early morning) and on July 30 (full day):
    It interests them to read these research papers and files. Several countries   - Argentina, Germany, Poland, Ireland, U.S., Netherlands, Israel, Egypt, Russia,   — paid interest, gave attention to these publications.
30-day Profile Views increased by 100%.
Tags: aquatic ecology, Water Quality, Self-Purification, Water, biochemical ecology, Suspension-feeders, detergent, phytotoxicity, toxic, планктон, окружающая среда, экология,  
User Activityin Argentina, Germany, Poland, Ireland, U.S., Netherlands, Israel, Egypt, Russia, et al.
Статьи, которые разыскивались и читались онлайн в последние дни:
These  were read:
Water Quality and Conditioning in Natural Ecosystems: Biomachinery Theory of Self-Purification of Water. // Rus. Journal of General Chemistry, 2017, Vol.87 (13): 3199–3204; In English. https://www.academia.edu/44021682/ ;
With CHINESE keywords, info on a series of research publications which are well-cited in China and other countries. Topics: aquatic ecology, water quality, water self-purification. Authored by a Moscow State Univesity researcher; https://www.academia.edu/50398012/ ;
2762 researchers who cited this...: environmental sci., ecology, biology, water. Citation in Russia.  Кто цитировал  в России. 2762 автора. РАСПРЕДЕЛЕНИЕ ЦИТИРУЮЩИХ ПУБЛИКАЦИЙ ПО АВТОРАМ. https://www.academia.edu/31589282/ ;
Toxic effect produced by liquid laundry detergent on Lens culinaris // Fundamental basis of biogeochemical technologies and prospects of their application in nature protection, agriculture and medicine. https://www.academia.edu/53516135/ ;
Biochemical Ecology. Monograph. Introduction to Biochemical Ecology.  in Rus. Введение в биохимическую экологию; https://www.academia.edu/45182724/ ;
 On the concepts of biochemical ecology and hydrobiology: Ecological chemomediators; https://www.academia.edu/1892577/ ;
Биомасса ацидофильных водорослей как фактор удаления свинца из водной среды: поиски инновационной биотехнологии водоочистки // Водоочистка, водоподготовка, водоснабжение. — 2018. — № 10. — С. 12–15. https://www.academia.edu/40473300/ ;

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