О журнале

‘Social Evolution & History’ is a semiannual international journal that serves the needs of all scholars seeking an understanding of how human societies developed in the past and continue to develop in the present. The Journal acts as a forum for debate about key issues and concepts in the field, challenging and re-examining the boundaries of the search. As well as original research articles, the journal includes critical notes and a book review section. The Journal's aim is to contribute to the integration of such fields of knowledge as anthropology, history, sociology, and also philosophy and theory of history.

Научная область

Исторические науки

Social Evolution & History. Volume 15, Number 2

Подробнее https://www.socionauki.ru/journal/seh/archive/2016_2/


Akaev, A.; Ichkitidze, Y.; Sarygulov, A.; Sokolov, V, Social Evolution in Terms of Economic Dynamics: Eastern European Countries between 1990 and 2014
The collapse of the socialist system laid all former members of the Warsaw Pact bloc and Council for Mutual Economic Assistance under the necessity for choosing a new developmental path. Nowadays, a quarter of a century later, we can state for certain that the Eastern European and Baltic....
Ivanov, D., New Forms of Inequality and Structures of Glam-Capitalism
The long history of capitalism can be interpreted as an evolution driven by permanently mutating socioeconomic structures. The article is devoted to new forms of inequality that emerged during the postindustrial phase of the capitalism evolution and increase the structural complexity of....
Tausch, Arno, Islamism and Antisemitism. Preliminary Evidence on Their Relationship from Cross-National Opinion Data
What do we really know about mass support for Islamism? And what is its connection to antisemitism? Our analysis of these questions is based on promax factor analytical studies based on openly available cross-national survey data. First, we analyze the determinants of what led representative....
Berry, B.; Elliott, E., The Surprise that Transforms. An American Perspective on What the 2040s Might Brin
Each long wave peak has been followed by a cluster of paradigm-shifting innovations that transform every aspect of work and life. We expect that the next peak of c. 2036 will also be followed by a decade-long cluster of innovatory changes in energy sources and use, artificial intelligence and....
Korotayev, Andrey; Issaev, L.; Rudenko, M.; Shishkina, A.; Ivanov, E., Afrasian Instability Zone and Its Historical Background
The evolution of the Afroeurasian world-system which in the ‘long 16th century’ was transformed into the global World System comprised both economic and political components, some of which are discussed in the present article. Earlier research has identified four major zones of instability....
Butovskaya, M. L.; Burkova, V. N.; Karelin, D. V., The Wameru of Tanzania: Historical Origin and Their Role in the Process of National Integration
The Meru live in one of the most fertile and densely populated areas of Tanzania, and their current population number is about 198,000 people. Today they are organized in 26 clans. Most Wameru claim their origin from the Machame and Siha/Ng'uni groups associated with Chagga community, whose....
Lempert, D., Predicting Political Systems Using Economic, Environmental, and Relational Variables
This article continues the elaboration of a multiple factor model for predicting the political systems that emerge in specific economic, environmental and relational contexts. While anthropologists have long sought to describe the emergence of ‘the state’ or of modern bureaucracies, only....
Goldstone, Jack A., Great Divergence and Great Convergence in a Global Perspective. Review of Leonid Grinin and Andrey Korotyaev, Great Divergence and Great Convergence in a Global Perspective, Springer International Publishing, 2015
Since man first forged metal tools and started farming for his food, thus emerging from the Stone Age, no event in human history has had a greater impact than the Industrial Revolution of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. During that span, Europeans increased their use of fossil fuel....