О журнале

The Russian Academic Journal is one of the fundamental scientific publications on the territory of South of Russia, Greater Caucasus, Central Asia, Ukraine and Indochina, which are conducting an important mission on spreading in the international academic community works of Russian, Ukrainian, Caucasian and Asian scientists relating to regional range of problems; annually this journal publishes more than 120 scientific articles in Russian and English languages concerned with economy, management, political science, philosophy, philology, mathematics, informatics, chemistry, biology, geosciences. Authors of these articles are famous scientists from China, Ukraine, the USA, India, Afghanistan, Great Britain, Russia and other countries. Members of editorial team of the journal are working in three continents: Europe, North America and Asia, in six countries: Russia, Ukraine, India, Great Britain, the USA and Afghanistan.

In accordance with the resolution of the members of the editorial board, which has been drawn up on the meeting in the George Washington University (Washington, DC), starting January, 2014, the regional subjects make the domain of problems of the Russian Academic Journal. By general repute of the editorial board members, the international community fairly well understood any global processes, but as regards local, especially regional processes, there are considerable gaps. So, international members of the editorial board of the Russian Academic Journal are waiting from their authors any qualitative actual data relating to processes and events in their regions which are unavailable in any other scientific publications or in the Internet.

The general partner of the Russian Academic Journal is the Southern University (IMBL) (Russia, Rostov-on-Don). Publisher of the journal is the Research Institute “Institute for Political and Media Metric Research” with its DOI prefix (10.15535).

In the journal the main scientific results of theses on competition of a scientific degree of the doctor of science can be published. The journal is included in the Russian Index of Scientific Citing (RISC) of National electronic library of the Russian Federation, InfoBaseIndex, GoogleScholar, OCLC WorldCat, ROAR, BASE, OpenDOAR, RePEc, JournalTOCs, OAJI, ISI (UAE), DOAJ, Fedora (DURA SPACE), CrossRef, PORTICO, Ulrich`s (ProQuest), Exlibris, Socionet and funds of Library of the Congress of the United States of America.

The Russian Academic Journal represents a new generation of academic journals acting on the grounds of the principle of open access. As the scientific articles should be maximally wide spread, the Russian Academic Journal does not apply the copyright law for to restrict access and use of published material. On the contrary, the copyright law and any other legal instruments are applying for to achieve a continuous open access of journal audience to all articles published by the journal.

On its site the Russian Academic Journal uses a Canadian IT technologies development– the all-powerful content management system in the Internet, integrated into the Library System for North America and in the Index system of North American Universities – Open Journal System (OJS). Switch of the journal at a totally new level made it possible to enter into several international databases of scientific citing.

The Russian Academic Journal is one of those few journals in the south regions of Russia, which is assigning to each article of each author the international identifier of scientific article, DOI.

For to publish any scientific articles in the journal it is necessary to be registered as an author on the site of the journal and to get in contact with the executive editor of the journal:
E-mail: chief@wolfcorner.org

Volume 31, issue 1


Natalia Shevchenko, An Integrated Approach to Evaluating the Efficiency of Performance and Development of Regional Food Complex
Important issues of a food complex remain an increase of efficiency and competitiveness in both domestic and foreign markets. The necessity<br />to identify strategic areas of agro policy that provides efficient development of food complex as the basis for food security of the<br....
Behzat Sencay, Culture of Entrepreneurship and SMEs in Gaziantep
A dizzying progress rapidly globalizing the world technology to adapt to the prevailing brutally competitive environment and advantageous<br />to way to stand depends on the degree of economic development. Economy, they have dynamic elements that sustain<br />the community....
Arzu Turkmen, Serkan Inam, Dilek Durak, Sevki Celik, Okay Civelek, Hasan Tamam, Pinar Altintas, Review of Finnish and Turkish Education Systems: PISA Sample
In recent world communities reserve significant budgets for their educational activities in order to maintain their continuities and to reach certain<br />welfare level. In this regard success of educational systems must be measured. This measuring process is performed through....
Ozhan Tokay, Logistic Management and Transportation Security in Northern Nigeria
Working of transportation system depends on characteristics and peculiarities of economy, including security concerns, which is foremost<br />in Africa. The primary objective of the study is to assess accessibility constraints in Nigeria’s Northeast region. Road transport is the....
Sergey Pepchuk, Modeling of Region Marketing Research
The article reviews the main trends in the evolution of market research, approaches to special scientific and practical modeling and<br />worked actively relevant aspects of their problems.<br />The purpose of the article is to study and investigate species and modeling techniques....
Tapan Birkan, Balcı Yüksel, Sezen Adem, Ahmet Cenk Dikmen, Dikmen Davut Cem, Medıcal Records Management and Hospıtal Applıcatıon
Medical records make an important resource that can be used for evidence of medical care given to the patient and for evaluating<br />quality of provided service.<br />Therefore it’s very important exactly and regularly certificate, in details and on time, any services provided to....
Bilsen Onat, Health Workers in Organ Donatıon: Evaluatıon of Informatıon and Approach
Health Employees in Organ Donatıon: Evaluatıon of Inf ormatıon and Approach<br />Human life has become much easier thanks to the changes brought by technologies. However, reasons of these tech business or illness<br />occurring in life were unsufficient to prevent human deaths.....
Arzu Turkmen, Determining Levels of Daily Activity and Life Quality of Elder Individuals: Example of the Private Bisev Nursing Home
residing in the Çanakkale Province, Biga County Private Bisev Nursing Home as well as to put instructive suggestions to corporations<br />in order to develop health care of elder individuals. Questionnaire method was applied through face to face discussions with elder<br....
Nurat Kara, Sedat Cereci, Hayri Özdemir, Spiritual Matter on Television: Organizational Impacts
In this study, reflection of impact of opinions of television organizations owners is discussed that the most of television organizations are<br />commercial establishments, and much spiritual impacts of television organizations on broadcast and efforts to dictate ideological opinions<br....
Gambiyo Suleiman Purokayo, Logistic Management and Transportation Security in Northern Nigeria
Working of transportation system depends on characteristics and peculiarities of economy, including security concerns, which is foremost<br />in Africa. The primary objective of the study is to assess accessibility constraints in Nigeria’s Northeast region. Road transport is the....
Hasan Erdem, Added Value of Health Tourism and its Potential in Bursa
In the rapidly globalizing world health tourism has gained momentum as exports from the place of origin. Since 2002, our country<br />launched the “Health Transformation Program” reaching the fast, quality and efficient health service levels in developed<br />countries. Compared....
AleMehmet Demirdogmez, Development and Impact of E-Commerce in Turkey
Today, the number of technological devices such as computers, cell phones, tablets etc. has increased and their usage has become<br />widespread. As a result of frequent use of these technologies depending on situation, these devices have developed even further and<br />became a part....
Samet FINDIK, University – Industry – State R&D Cooperation and Tech-parks
Currently technology and science are developing at an unforeseen rate. In our world which has become a small village, cooperation<br />between of University, Industry and State is the only possible way for industries and states to be independent and strong. In order<br />for the....
Abdullah Koca, The Effects of Employees’ Educatıon for a More Effıcıent Competıtıon in Busınesses
The changes which globalization created on the basis of information and communication have transformed economic and social<br />structure all over the world. Depending on this transformation, the importance of human resources for businesses has increased.<br />Reshaping of competition....
Adnan Yuksel, E-Munıcıpalıty Brings Local Socıal and Economıc Benefıts for Bursa Metropolıtan Munıcıpalıty
Each transformation that occurred in the world is also taking influence upon countries and governments. Today the progress of<br />globalization in economic terms but also in the middle of the border between the information and communication technology in<br />the world is also....
Dilek Durak, Of 6360 Metropolıtan Law Announcement in Rural Perceptıon And Expectatıons
As in all the world’s local management has gained importance in Turkey and made various regulations. In 2012 In Turkey, a law for giving the<br />different dimension to local governments and for the purpose of effective management by using scarce resources more effectively and....
Avni Ozturk, Determınatıon of Leadershıp Capacıty Workplaces
The purpose of this study is to examine the leadership characteristics of leaders distinguish them among employees in the workplace.<br />To this end, research and review of the literature have been conducted. The leaders of the employees trusting in their leaders<br />will unveil....
Imran Akperov, Targeted Management of the Regional Human Development
The main investment resource of the region’s economy changes in the condition of transition to the sixth technological way. So, the<br />role of human capital, its components and derivatives in the development of the territory has increased more than ever before. It has<br />pushed....
Vadim VOLOVOJ, Kyrgyzstan: Internal and External Course of Development
After collapse of the Soviet Union Central Asia (CA) was not in the focus of academic society and big geopolitical players, Kyrgyzstan<br />not being an exception. But today Russia is back to CA through the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) and Collective Security Treaty<br />Organization....
Liliia Martynova, Peculiarities of Human Capital Competitiveness Establishment in the Context of the Deepening of European Integration
The author has found out that human capital is a key element of social and economic development of the country. Emphasis in the<br />article is placed on the fact that in the context of globalization and informatization human capital becomes a defining factor in<br />the development....
Sevki Celik, Integratıon Wıthin the EU Accountıng Professıon
Integratıon Wıthin the EU Accountıng Professıon<br />Not to accept globalization in relation to the IFRS ‘good practice being in common practice from the beginning only by multi-national<br />companies, means to stay outside of the advancements uccuring in the world. Our country....
Javed Zafar, Regional Security and Energy Geopolitics of Central Asia
Proposed monograph discusses definitions, basic concepts and approaches of regional security with respect to Central Asia. Regional security<br />is a very complex concept and geopoliticians have given it to different meanings in different times and places. In the present study it has....