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The effect of synthetic surfactants on the hydrobiological mechanisms of water self-purification. - Water Resources. 2004. Volume 31, Number 5, p. 502-510.

окт 20, 2009 | 02:10

Ostroumov S. A. The effect of synthetic surfactants on the hydrobiological mechanisms of water self-purification. - Water Resources. 2004. Volume 31, Number 5, p. 502-510. ISSN 0097-8078 (Print) 1608-344X (Online).

DOI 10.1023/B:WARE.0000041919.77628.8d.

Translated from the Russian paper: Ostroumov S.A. Effects of synthetic surfactants on hydrobiological mechanisms of self-purification of aquatic environment // Water Resources (Vodnye Resursy = Водныересурсы),  2004.  V. 31.  No. 5. P. 546-555.

The author conducted broad and diverse studies of the new biological effects of synthetic surfactants of several chemical classes, including the effect surfactants exert on filter feeders. The results are analyzed. The role of filter feeders in the functioning of freshwater and marine ecosystems is analyzed. As a result, a discovery of new types of environmental hazard due to the impact of chemical pollutants, including surfactants and detergents, was made.

---KEY WORDS: new types of environmental hazard, water quality, effect of synthetic surfactants, hydrobiological mechanisms, water self-purification, water resources, biological effect of surfactants, effect on filter feeders, role of filter feeders, suspension feeders, functioning of freshwater and marine ecosystems, new aspects, assessment of environmental hazard, impact of chemical pollutants,  detergents, tensides, bivalves, mollusks, bioassays, biotesting, pollutants, xenobiotics, contaminants, inhibition, sublethal effects, environmental safety, pollution control.

---КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА: качество воды, влияние синтетических поверхностно-активных веществ, ПАВ, гидробиологические механизмы самоочищения воды, водные ресурсы, биологическое действие поверхностно-активных веществ, фильтраторы, роль фильтраторов, ингибирование питания, функционирование пресноводных и морских экосистем, новые аспекты, оценка экологической опасности, воздействие химических загрязняющих веществ, детергенты, моющие средства, поверхностно-активные вещества, двустворчатые моллюски, биотесты, биотестирование, загрязняющие вещества, ксенобиотики, поллютанты, сублетальные концентрации и воздействия, экологическая безопасность, борьба с загрязнением.








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