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Development of Biochemical Ecology. On the book that was published by Moscow University press: ‘Introduction to Biochemical Ecology’

май 6, 2014 | 12:05
Development of Biochemical Ecology. On the book that was published by Moscow University press:
‘Introduction to Biochemical Ecology’ (Moscow University Press, Moscow, 1986, 176 p.),
The international conference (the poster session) ‘Ecosystems, Organisms, Innovations-14’ (February 12, 2011, University of Massachusetts, Amherst) was dedicated to anniversaries of two books, one of them is ‘Introduction to Biochemical Ecology’.
The book ‘Introduction to Biochemical Ecology’ was published in 1986. In 2011, the 25th anniversary of publishing this book was celebrated.

About the book 'Introduction to Biochemical Ecology' see:



Reviews and evaluations of this and other books by the same author:

Further development of the ideas of the book see at:
Since the book was published, 25 years have passed during which a further development of both  ecology and biochemistry took place. On the basis of recent developments in science it is possible to say that the main new conceptualization made in the book was timely, relevant, and profound.
The book ‘Introduction to Biochemical Ecology’ was the first book in international science, the title of which  contained the phrase ‘biochemical ecology’.
The book in a multi-faceted way provided an insightful analysis of existing facts at the frontier between ecology and biochemistry. Actually not only those two disciplines were involved. The author also covered many facts in the area of chemistry of natural products, environmental sciences, geosciences, and Ecotoxicology (in other words, Environmental toxicology and chemistry).
In the book, for the first  time  consistent fundamental concepts were developed of the ecological role of plethora of natural chemical substances that do not belong to those major classes of biomolecules that are under study in traditional biochemistry (those major classes are proteins,  carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids). Many of  the other natural chemicals that do not belong to those 4 major groups are called secondary metabolites. Their name is legion: among them, we see such broad classes of natural products as alkaloids, flavonoids, glycosides, steroids, terpenes,  phenolics, and many others.
On the basis of an analysis of that huge diversity of chemical compounds, the author of the book developed some unifying concepts that discovered the fundamental ecological role of those chemicals. This role is of dual nature: (1) mediation in interactions between organisms involved, and (2) regulation of the functioning, reproduction, and development of organisms.  In connection with those aspects of the role, new concepts and terms were introduced in the book: ecological chemomediators  and ecological chemoregulators
Additional comment on the book:
Biochemical Ecology.

Many natural products were described, especially secondary metabolites, that have biological effects on a broad range of organisms. Some of them have a commercial importance as crop protection agents [1], and as pharmaceuticals.

These was a publications which contributed to the principles and basic concepts of biochemical ecology were formulated and analyzed [2]. The book analyzed, inter alia, the ecological roles of natural and man-made chemicals. Inter alia, some problems of chemical communication and regulation in natural populations and ecosystems, environmental toxicology and chemistry. Ecological functions of secondary metabolites of bacteria, fungi, algae, plants, invertebrates and vertebrates. The book got a positive evaluation in several published reviews [3]. The book contributed to the conceptual framework and theoretical basis for advances in the areas with the key words, inter alia: pest management, new pesticides, including herbicides; allelopathy in terrestrial and aquatic environments; sustainable agriculture and forestry; biocontrol agents; phytochemicals, bioactive agents; natural pesticides; biopesticides; biologically active; terpenoids; biocidal; pyrethroids; insecticidal; antifungal; herbicidal; agents; algicidal; isoprenoids; alkaloid; toxicants; toxic; phytotoxins, pharmaceutical; allelopathic potential; bioassay; blue-green, green, alga; algae; cyanobacteria, pathogenic; agrochemical; biocide; mutagenicity; phytotoxic; ichthyotoxic, phytoplankton; secondary; metabolism; metabolite; integrated, weed, management, biological, testing, glycosides, growth inhibition, inhibitory, feeding, phenolic, chemical defense, antimicrobial, pathogen; infochemicals; chemical communication;

This book was translated into Polish [4] and Bulgarian [5] languages.

A relevant recent paper was published [6]. It covers the trends in research that include studies of the role of chemical substances in interorganismal interactions, in communication and regulation of supraorganismal systems. Another part of biochemical ecology is the studies of the fate and transformation of external chemical substances when they interact with the organisms. Both natural and man-made compounds are interesting for biochemical ecology. The basic concepts of biochemical ecology include the new concepts and terms, ecological chemomediators and ecological chemoregulators, that have already been included in the body of modern conceptions and are used in modern ecological literature. Application of biochemical ecology to aquatic ecosystems creates the basis for development of biochemical hydrobiology.

Also, some relevant materials for university education were published [7-9].

Many new natural chemicals were discovered after those publications. Some novel bioactive natural products were found by many authors. A series of relevant publications was published, e.g., by Stephen Duke (USDA-ARS, U.S.A.).


1. L. Copping, S.O. Duke. Natural products that have been used commercially as crop protection agents. — Pest Management Science. 63: 524-554 (2007). Also, see other publications by S.O.Duke and co-authors.

2. S.A.Ostroumov. Introduction to Biochemical Ecology. 1986. Moscow. Moscow University Press. 176 p. Figures, tables. Bibliogr.: pp. 168-174.

3. Published reviews of the book 'Introduction to Biochemical Ecology': Priroda (Nature). 1987. No. 1. p.125. Professor Telitchenko M.M. Review of the book 'Introduction to Biochemical Ecology'. – Bulletin of Moscow University. Ser. 16. Biology. 1986. No. 4. P. 58. Prof. Stavskaya S.S. // Physiology and biochemistry of cultivated plants. 1988. v. 20, No. 1. p. 99 — 100; Prof. Pokarzhevsky А.D., Semenova N.L. // Ecology. 1988, No. 2, p. 89 — 90. — Review; Prof. Sokolov М.S. // Аgrochemistry. 1987, No. 7, p. 135-136; Prof. Gusev М.V. (Dean, School of Biology, Moscow Univ) // Plant Physiology. V. 35. No. 2, p.412 — 413; Prof. Dubinin N.P. (Full Member, Acad.Sci.) // Izvestia Acad. Sci. Ser. Biol. (Bulletin of Acad. Sci. Biological series). 1988, No. 1. p. 799 — 800; Prof. B. Stugren. Introduction to Biochemical Ecology by S.A. Ostroumov (a review) // Studia Univ. Babes-Bolyai. Biologia. 1987. N 2. P. 96 – 97 (in English). Dr. E. Symonides // Wiadomosci Ecologiczne, V. 33. No. 2. P. 199-201; Review // J. General Biology. 1989. V. 50. No. 3, p. 429.

4. Ostroumow S. A. Wprowadzenie do ekologii biochemicznej. [=Introduction to Biochemical Ecology] Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN [= PWN Press; Poland], 1992. 205 pages [translated from Russian by J. Kurylowicz = tł. z jęz. ros. Jerzy Kuryłowicz] ISBN-13: 9788301104542. ISBN-10: 8301104546. [in Polish language; the book is recommended and used at several Polish universities, including: The Technical University of Lodz (Politechnika Łódzka); The Jan Kochanowski University of Humanities and Sciences in Kielce; University of Wrocław; University in Bialymstok (Uniwersytet w Bialymstoku); University in Opole (Wydział Przyrodniczo – Techniczny Uniwersytetu Opolskiego); Akademia im. Jana Długosza, Instytut Chemii i Ochrony Środowiska, Częstochowa; Uniwersytet Kardynala Stefana Wyszynskiego, Warsaw; and other universities].

5. Ostroumov, Sergei. Uvod v Biokhimichnata Ekologia (=Introduction to Biochemical Ecology). Nauka i Izkusstvo (Science and Art) Press. Sofia (Bulgaria). 1990. 155 p., figures, tables; Bibliography: pp.146-152 (in Bulgarian).

6. Ostroumov S.A. On the concepts of biochemical ecology and hydrobiology: Ecological chemomediators. — Contemporary Problems of Ecology, 2008, Volume 1 (2), p. 238-244 [publisher MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica, distributed by Springer Science+Business Media LLC. ISSN 1995-4255 (Print) 1995-4263 (Online)] DOI 10.1134/S1995425508020100; www.getcited.org/pub/103448435; www.springerlink.com/content/e58651u631313465/;

This paper was translated into English from the paper:
On concepts of biochemical ecology and hydrobiology: ecological chemomediators. — Siberian Ecological Journal (Sibirsky Ekologichesky Zhurnal). 2006. — 13, No.1. — P. 73-82. Bibliogr. 32 refs. [ = Siberian Journal of Ecology = Sibirskiy ekologicheskiy zhurnal; ISSN 0869-8619;


7. The program of the lecture course. Introduction to Biochemical Ecology // Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, 2001. 5: 122-124. Bibliogr. 11 refs. The program of the lecture course. Ecology of Water Self-Purification // Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, 2001. 5: 124-125. Bibliogr. 13 refs.;

8. Syllabus of a new lecture course 'Introduction to biochemical ecology' // Syllabuses of lecture courses (Programmi spetzkursov). Moscow: Moscow State University. 2002. P.123-125 [the new innovative course developed];

9. Ecology and Hydrobiology. Curricula of Lecture Courses. Moscow. MAX Press. 2005. VI + 36 p. The collection of curricula of several lecture courses including: (1) Ecology; (2) Mechanisms of Interorganismal Interactions in Ecosystems; (3) General Biochemical Ecology; (4) Introduction to Biochemical Ecology of Drinking Water and Human Nutrition; Of interest to professors and students in various fields of ecology, life science, environmental science, limnology, medicine, sciences on the biosphere, protection, and sustainable use of biological, aquatic biological and water resources. (Diploma of the Academy of Aquatic Sciences, awarded in 2006).

More about this book:

Wprowadzenie do ekologii biochemicznej.Book in Polish, its citation. Introduction to Biochemical Ecology.
Book. Introduction to Biochemical Ecology. Wprowadzenie do ekologii biochemicznej.
Web-sites / links on the book, Introduction to Biochemical Ecology
Addition to facts that prove importance of the book, Introduction to Biochemical Ecology.
Marine secondary metabolites: http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/11/addition-to-facts-that-prove-importance.html
Examples of marine pharmaceuticals, 
**О книге, которая заложила основы новой научной дисциплины, биохимической экологии. Автор книги — сотрудник Московского государственного университета имени М.В.Ломоносова: 
д.б.н. С.А.Остроумов «Введение в Биохимическую Экологию»
'Introduction to Biochemical Ecology'. Botanicals. Pharmaceuticals. Precursors. Alkaloids, terpenes, steroids, phenolics, biotechnology, antibacterial, antifungal, bioactives, phytochemistry, phytoecdysteroids, phytosteroids, herbivores, trophic, interactions, chain, plant-animal, plant-insect, secondary metabolites, toxins;
Второе издание этой книги вышло под названием:
Введение в проблемы биохимической экологии.
Originating principles of a new science of biochemical ecology.On the book: Ostroumov S.A. Introduction to Biochemical Ecology. Moscow University Press, http://www.scribd.com/doc/50880795
Citation of book: Ostroumow S.A.  «Wprowadzenie do ekologii biochemicznej», PWN, Warszawa, 1992;  [it is the Polish edition of the book: Ostroumov S.A. Introduction to Biochemical Ecology, Moscow, 1986]. Publications of Polish scientists and lecture courses at Polish universities.http://www.scribd.com/doc/51131227
On the book ‘Introduction to Biochemical Ecology’ by S.A.Ostroumov. Keywords: biochemical ecology, book, anniversary, new concepts, ecological, chemomediators, chemoregulators, ecological role, secondary metabolites, http://www.scribd.com/doc/47842224
book ‘Introduction to Biochemical Ecology’. 1986. Moscow University Press, Moscow, 176 pages. Author: Dr. S.A.Ostroumov. http://www.scribd.com/doc/48035933

On the book: Ostroumov S.A. Introduction to Biochemical Ecology. Moscow University Press, 1986. http://www.scribd.com/doc/50880795
On the book ‘Introduction to Biochemical Ecology’. 1986. Moscow University Press. 176 p. Authored by Dr. S.A. Ostroumov. The comment in 12 languages(English, (German, French, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Turkish, Polish, Russian, Arabic). http://www.scribd.com/doc/48040968
Modernization of environmental education. Use of book ‘Introduction to Biochemical Ecology’, author Dr. S.Ostroumov http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/07/modernization-of-environmental.html

Список рецензий на книгу: доктор биологических наук С.А.Остроумов.
Введение в биохимическую экологию. Москва, Издательство Московского университета, 1986.
Armenia.Library.Book: Остроумов, Сергей Андреевич.
Введение в биохимическую экологию.
Москва: Изд-во Московского университета,
RSML: Republican scientific medical library of Armenia. Ереван.
Тюмень.Тюменский гос. университет. Библиотека. Введение в биохимическую экологию/ С. А. Остроумов. — Москва: Изд-во МГУ,
Саранск.Национальная библиотека им. А.С. Пушкина Республики Мордовия. ВВЕДЕНИЕ В БИОХИМИЧЕСКУЮ ЭКОЛОГИЮ / С.А. ОСТРОУМОВ. — М.: ИЗД-ВО МГУ, http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/11/blog-post_2450.html
Казахстан. Алма-Ата. Центральная научная библиотека. Министерство образования и науки.Введение в биохимическую экологию / Остроумов, Сергей Андреевич. — М.: Изд-во МГУ;
Введение в проблемы биохимической экологии: Биотехнология, сельское хозяйство, охрана среды / Телитченко, Михаил Михаилович, Остроумов, Сергей Андреевич; http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/11/blog-post_5025.html
Citation: Цитирование книг (Введение в биохимическую экологию; Введение в проблемы биохимической экологии) в диссертациях:
**О книге, которая заложила основы новой научной дисциплины, биохимической экологии. Автор книги — сотрудник Московского государственного университета имени М.В.Ломоносова: 
д.б.н. С.А.Остроумов «Введение в Биохимическую Экологию»
'Introduction to Biochemical Ecology'. Botanicals. Pharmaceuticals. Precursors. Alkaloids, terpenes, steroids, phenolics, biotechnology, antibacterial, antifungal, bioactives, phytochemistry, phytoecdysteroids, phytosteroids, herbivores, trophic, interactions, chain, plant-animal, plant-insect, secondary metabolites, toxins;
Второе издание этой книги вышло под названием:
Введение в проблемы биохимической экологии.
Цитирование книг (Введение в биохимическую экологию; Введение в проблемы биохимической экологии) в диссертациях
Цитирование книги: Введение в биохимическую экологию. Москва, Изд-во Московского университета, д.б.н. С.А.Остроумов 5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/07/blog-post_09.html


Addendum( February 2, 2014  )

Recently, a new citation of the books mentioned above:
Republic of Moldova.
New recent citation of the books written by the scientists of Moscow State University.

The books that were cited:
Ostroumov S.A. Vvedenie v biohimiceskuiu ekologhiu. (Introduction to Biochemical Ecology);
Telitcenko M.M., Ostroumov S.A. Vvedenie v problemâ biohimiceskoi ekologhii. (= Introduction to Problems of Biochemical Ecology).

and Art,  nr. 4 (31), 2013,  p.77-81. (in Romanian).
Publisher of the journal: Academy of sciences of Moldova.
Affiliation of the author: Institute of Ecology and Geography, Academy of Sciences of Moldova

(Institutul de Ecologie şi Geografie al AŞM)
Position of the author: Professor ( profesor la Universitatea Liberă), city of  Chisinau ;



… London. 1921, Jb., 56, p. 71-92.

20. Ostroumov SA Vvedenie v biohimiceskuiu ekologhiu. (Introduction to Biochemical Ecology).
Izd. Moskov. Univ., M., 1986, 176 p. 

21.… Moskva, 1971. 

31. Telitcenko MM, Ostroumov SA
Vvedenie v problemâ biohimiceskoi ekologhii. Moskva, 1982. 

32. ...
Abstract of the paper:
Summary. There is analyzed the genesis and the
evolution of the notion of chemical factors. The scientifi
c study of these factors has been initiated by:
A.-L. Lavoisier, Louis Pasteur, J.B. Lamarck, Iu.
von Liebig, continuing with V. Shelford, W.P. Taylor,
Rubel E., W. Tischler, P. Williams, B. Harborne,
M. Barbier, S.A. Ostroumov, M.M. Telitcenko,
M.M. Hailov etc. As a result, there have been created
two distinct scientifi c directions, and namely biochemical
ecology and environmental chemistry. The
ecological chemistry from the Republic of Moldova
took its start within the Moldovan State University,
at the end of the 1980s, its founders being Professor
A.Ia.Siciov and academician Gh. Duca. Currently,
the academician Gh. Duca successfully leads the National
school of organic chemistry.
Keywordsgenesis, chemical factors, biochemical ecology, ecological chemistry.


The cover of the journal:

Cover of AKADEMOS. Revistă de Ştiinţă, Inovare, Cultură şi Artă. Categorie: Reviste. Editură: Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei. ISBN: ISSN 1857-0461.

terms and concepts: biochemical ecology, introduction, book, bioactives,  new concepts, ecological, chemomediators, chemoregulators, ecological role, secondary metabolites, chemical, communication, interorganismal, interaction, new terms, ecology, botanicals, phytochemicals, pharmaceuticals, new, medical, biotechnology, useful chemicals, natural products, biotransformation, biodegradation, xenobiotics, environmental hazards, biosphere, chemico-biotic interactions, alkaloids, flavonoids, glycosides, steroids, terpenes,  phenolics, biomolecules, pest management, new pesticides, including herbicides; allelopathy, terrestrial, aquatic, environments; sustainable, agriculture, forestry; biocontrol agents; phytochemicals, bioactive agents; natural pesticides; biopesticides; biologically active; terpenoids; biocidal; pyrethroids; insecticidal; antifungal; herbicidal; agents; algicidal; isoprenoids; alkaloid; toxicants; toxic; phytotoxins, pharmaceutical; allelopathic, potential; bioassay; blue-green, green, alga; algae; cyanobacteria, pathogenic; agrochemical; biocide; mutagenicity; phytotoxic; ichthyotoxic, phytoplankton; secondary; metabolism; metabolite; integrated, weed, management, biological, testing, glycosides, growth, inhibition, inhibitory, feeding, phenolic, chemical defense, antimicrobial, pathogen; infochemicals; chemical communication;  Wprowadzenie do ekologii biochemicznej,  Uvod v Biokhimichnata Ekologia, translation, Polish, Bulgarian, languages,

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