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scientists, students


In French.
Utile pour les scientifiques, chercheurs, professeurs, étudiants, professionnels. Gratuit en ligne. Domaines de la science: l'écologie, sciences de l'environnement, l'écotoxicologie, sciences de l'eau, la limnologie, océanographie biologique, hydrobiologie, l'algologie, zoologie des invertébrés, la science des plantes, la biologie marine, biologie des eaux douces, biologie de la conservation .
This file in English:
également, un texte plus condensé de ce blog :
écologie, sciences de l'environnement: mots clés, écologie, les balises de la série de publications scientifiques importantes: in French, in English:
écologie, sciences de l'environnement, sciences de l'eau, la limnologie, océanographie biologique, l'hydrobiologie, la biologie aquatique, la biologie marine, biologie d'eau douce, de la microbiologie, l'algologie, sciences végétales, zoologie des invertébrés, les invertébrés, la toxicologie environnementale, la chimie, la toxicologie, l'écotoxicologie, la sécurité environnementale, la sécurité de l'eau, la durabilité de l'eau, les ressources en eau, gestion de l'environnement, conservation de la nature, protection...
The key words, tags for the series of important scientific publications that contain fundamental innovations in ecology, environmental science, water sciences. These articles have a vital role for both development of concepts of ecology and practical applications.
The usefullness of these publications to practical applications are in the following areas:
environmental safety, water safety, water sustainability, water resources, environmental management, nature conservation, biodiveristy protection, protection of the environment, environmental education
The key words are included also in the title of this post.
The key words are in three...
On the Article titled: The concept of aquatic biota as a labile and vulnerable component of the water self-purification system
http://scipeople.ru/group/335/topic/8008/ ** This article was among TOP FULL-TEXT DOWNLOADS in  2014.
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/12375514_The_concept_of_aquatic_biota_as_a_labile_and_vulnerable_component_of_the_water_self-purification_system   This article was the first to discover the  significant role of aquatic organisms (the aquatic biota) in improving water quality in aquatic (freshwater and marine) ecosystem. The article was pioneering in discovering at least two important aspects of the role of the biota: (1) the central position of the biota as the most important component of the ecological processes of water...
 Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders.


by: S. A. Ostroumov

Hydrobiologia, Vol. 542, No. 1. (1 July 2005), pp. 275-286, doi:10.1007/s10750-004-1875-1  Key: citeulike:208655

Author: Fulbright Award recipient.
View Full Text article:

    www.scribd.com/doc/45914201 , www.scribd.com/doc/44105992/ , DOI, IngentaConnect, SpringerLink, DeepDyve, Pubget, PubMed (Search)


    Features of this paper on aquatic ecology are as follows (http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2013/09/some-aspects-of-water-filtering.html): -New concepts and terminology were introduced in the paper:...
Citazione di questo articolo ( esempi) .
Ruolo polifunzionale della biodiversità nei processi che portano alla depurazione delle acque: concettualizzazioni corrente e osservazioni conclusive
SA Ostroumov — Hydrobiologia, 2002 — Springer
Hydrobiologia 469: 203-204, 2002.
Testo inglese di questo post del blog :

Questo articolo è stato citato nelle seguenti pubblicazioni (USA, Germania, Paesi Bassi, Belgio, Francia, Spagna, Russia, Cina, India et al. ) :
Qualità dell'acqua di effluenti dominato ecosistemi: considerazioni ecotossicologici, idrologici, e di gestione
BW Brooks, TM Riley, RD Taylor ( USA) — Hydrobiologia, 2006 — Springer
Solution to problem: #Water #scarcity involves water #stress water #shortage or #deficits water #crisis #safety  
see more:
Citation of.  Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders .

18 Documents that cite the following paper:

   Some  aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders

(2005) Hydrobiologia, 542 (1), pp. 275-286.
Full text free:

Cited in the publications listed below : in U.S.A., U.K. [Cambridge University], Germany, Australia, Italy, et al.
Some  key words  in the the publications that cited this article:
Community,  foodweb, ecology,  freshwater, mussels, marine, invertebrates, microorganisms,
Declining amphibian...
Suspension-Feeders as Factors Influencing Water Quality in Aquatic Ecosystems
Fundamental discovery at Moscow State University:
cooperative multi-functional activity of aquatic organisms (biota, biological community) toward improving water quality and purification of water
