Антропогенные воздействия. Оценка воздействия на окружающую среду (ОВОС) / Man-made impact on environment; anthropogenic effects. Environmental Impact Assessment » Обсуждения

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Discovery of a new type of man-induced imbalance in the control of abundance of algae (phytoplankton);

июл 7, 2011 | 21:07

A discovery of a new type of man-induced imbalance in the control of abundance of algae (phytoplankton);
The first discovery of how effects of pollutants on invertebrate animals may lead to a change in abundance of plankton organisms in water; the first data on how the effects of polluting chemicals on invertebrate animals (filter-feeders) may produce an imbalance in the set of the factors controlling the populations of plankton;

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