Антропогенные воздействия. Оценка воздействия на окружающую среду (ОВОС) / Man-made impact on environment; anthropogenic effects. Environmental Impact Assessment » Обсуждения

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Criteria of ecological hazards due to anthropogenic effects on the biota: searching for a system. - Dokl Biol Sci (Doklady Biological Sciences).

ноя 19, 2011 | 09:11

Ostroumov S. A. Criteria of ecological hazards due to anthropogenic effects on the biota: searching for a system. — Dokl Biol Sci (Doklady Biological Sciences). 2000; 371: 204-206.
Uploaded: full text of the paper, it is available online free:
www.scribd.com/doc/49088234; sites.google.com/site/2000dbs371p204criteria/;
the paper formulated a new solution to the problem of selecting criteria for identification and assessing environmental hazards of chemical pollutants, toxicants; the paper explains why the currently accepted set of criteria is non-efficient and leads to mistakes; Doklady Biological Sciences: ISSN PRINT: 0012-4966. ISSN ONLINE: 1608-3105/.
Comments on what is new in this solution to the problem of criteria for ecohazards of chemicals, and negative anthropogenic effects on organisms and biota: http://www.scribd.com/doc/60891549/;
Assessment, identification, environmental hazards, chemicals, pollutants, anthropogenic, effects, impacts, organisms, populations, ecosystems, biosphere, environmental, protection, toxicology, new, principles, criteria,


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Full text available online free: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/12483844;
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