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Book: Biological Effects of Surfactants

сен 2, 2011 | 00:09

S.A.Ostroumov. Biological Effects of Surfactants, publisher: CRC Press, Taylor &Francis;
ISBN: 9780849325267; ISBN 10: 0849325269;
Understanding the role of aquatic biota and the impact of pollution and chemical substances that enter aquatic ecosystems is crucial to the assessment, prevention, and remediation of damaged environments. The book “Biological Effects of Surfactants” synthesizes the most important findings from hundreds of articles and the author's current experiments. His articles were on the biological effects of synthetic surfactants and detergents on individual organisms, populations, communities, and ecosystems. This book offers a new perspective of the hazards of pollution.
The main contents: detergents, surface-active substances, new data on environmental hazards, new methods of bioassay, news on assessment of environmental hazards of chemical pollutants, many fundamental conceptual innovations.
The new hazards to the environment and water quality.
New insight into hazards from low, sublethal concentrations of pollutants and mild, non-lethal effects of those low concentrations on organisms;
New priorities in monitoring, and environmental protection;
To provide better environmental protection;
To ensure water sustainability
The book draws upon new concepts in aquatic ecology, hydrobiology, biogeochemical cycling, and the assimilative capacity of water. The analysis is made beyond the self-purification capabilities of bacteria and nutrient cycling. The book presents and examines a lot of new effects of anionic, non-ionic, and cationic surfactants as well as detergent mixtures on a wide range of organisms. The list of the organisms includes bacteria, cyanobacteria, flagellates, algae, higher plants, and invertebrates. The author is a distinguished member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. He establishes new quantitative characteristics of the effects and presents study results reflecting newly discovered phenomena. The author is proposing and substantiating new priorities and approaches for testing, assessing, and characterizing the biological activities and hazards of chemical substances. Moreover, he illustrates how the data obtained can be used to develop effective environmental remediation and protection measures to improve water quality.
The book ‘Biological Effects of Surfactants’ lays an excellent foundation for scientists to explore how hazardous wastes are absorbed in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. The book determines what is required for remediation and restoring water quality in freshwater and marine water bodies and ecosystems. In addition, the book designs the best approach to counteract the toxic effects of manmade surfactants using biological methods, including phytoremediation (phytotechnology). The book is a useful contribution to water sustainability, to sustainable development.
Previously, the hazards from detergents and synthetic surfactants were underestimated.
The new facts open our eyes to better see the new hazards to the environment and water quality.
New insight into hazards from low, sublethal concentrations of pollutants and mild, non-lethal effects of those low concentrations on organisms;
New priorities in monitoring, and environmental protection;
www.scribd.com/doc/60757545/ ;
New facts on hazardous biological and toxic effects of surfactants and detergents
[Series: Fundamental Legendary Discoveries. Item 2];
Question that were answered in the book Biological Effects of Surfactants:
1. Do detergents and surfactants pose any serious hazard to environment (the Answer given by the book: Yes, they do);
2. Do all types of detergents and washing mixtures pose that hazard – including, e.g. laundry detergents and shampoos? The Answer given by the book: Yes, they do;
3. How broad is the spectrum of negative biological effects produced by surfactants and detergents? The Answer given by the book: it is really broad and covers all the organisms that were used in author’s bioassays, without any exception: from prokaryotes to eukaryotes, from unicellular to multicellular organisms, from bacteria to plants and animals.
4. Do sublethal concentrations of surfactants and detergents pose a serious hazard to the biosphere? The Answer given by the book: Yes, they do. A good example is the author’s discovery of sublethal effects of surfactants on bivalve mollusks, which lead to a decrease in filtration rate, which in turn leads to a decrease in water self-purification, which pose a serious hazard of a decrease in water quality.
5. Is it possible to offer new methods or new modifications of current methods for bioassay of chemicals? The Answer given by the book: Yes, it is not only possible but implemented. The book contains new methods/modifications of methods which increase the efficiency of bioassay with seedlings of plants and activity of filter-feeders (Chapter 2 in the book).
To provide better environmental protection;
To ensure water sustainability
To use in environmental education (university level);
FAQ (Frequently asked questions) on the book:. Biological Effects of Surfactants: www.scribd.com/doc/52630072/FAQ-1-bookBiol-Effe-Surfactants;
Frequently asked questions, part 2. [About the book:. Biological Effects of Surfactant: www.scribd.com/doc/46270956;
COMMENT ON the new facts on hazardous biological and toxic effects of surfactants and detergents: www.scribd.com/doc/60757545/,
Book — Biological effects of surfactants, — comments in Japanese — aquatic ecology, limnology, bio oceanography, ecotoxicology: bit.ly/n1K4kF
Table of contents, comments in English, German, French, Spanish, Chinese, and Japanese languages:
Book: Biological Effects of Surfactants, by Dr. S.A. Ostroumov. 2005; 304 pages; keywords: book, Biological, Effects, Surfactants, Detergents, Ecotoxicology, English, German, French, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Ökologische Toxikologie, toxicologie écologique, Toxicología ecológica, 生态毒理学, 生態毒性;
detergents, surfactants, pollutants, ecotoxicology, environmental chemistry, water, sustainability; aquatic, ecosystems, freshwater, marine, resources, ecosafety, environmental safety, biodiversity, protection, conservation, services, hydrosphere, pollution, control, prevention, habitats, decontamination, book, biotesting, bioassay, phytotest, phytotoxicity,
биогеохимия, пеллеты, новый, химические элементы, потоки, методология, двустворчатые моллюски, моллюски, моющие средства, поверхностно-активные вещества, подавляют, экотоксикология, экологическая химия, вода, устойчивость; водные, экосистемы, пресноводные, морские, ресурсы, экобезопасность, биоразнообразие, охрана, сохранение, экосистемные услуги, гидросфера, загрязнение, окружающей среды, контроль, профилактика, охрана окружающей среды, защита, предотвращение;
Biogeochemie, Pellets, neue, chemische Elemente, Flussmittel, Methodik, Muscheln, Weichtieren, Waschmittel, Tenside, hemmen, Ökotoxikologie, Umwelt-Chemie, Wasser, Nachhaltigkeit, aquatische, Ökosysteme, Süßwasser-, Meeres-, Ressourcen, ecosafety, Biodiversität, Schutz, Erhaltung, Dienstleistungen, Hydrosphäre, Umweltverschmutzung, Steuer-, globale, Erwärmung, Prävention, Umwelt-, Schutz-,
biogeoquímica, pellets, nuevos, elementos químicos, los flujos, la metodología, los bivalvos, moluscos, detergentes, surfactantes, inhibir, ecotoxicología, química ambiental, el agua, la sostenibilidad, acuáticos, los ecosistemas de agua dulce, marinos, recursos, seguridad ambiental, la biodiversidad, la protección, conservación, los servicios, la hidrosfera, la contaminación, control, el cambio, el calentamiento global, la prevención, medio ambiente, protección,
biogéochimie, des pastilles, de nouvelles, les éléments chimiques, des flux, la méthodologie, les bivalves, les mollusques, les détergents, tensioactifs, inhiber, l'écotoxicologie, la chimie de l'environnement, l'eau, la durabilité; aquatiques, les écosystèmes d'eau douce, marins, les ressources, la sécurité environnementale, biodiversité, la protection, la conservation, les services, l'hydrosphère, la pollution, le contrôle, le changement, réchauffement global, la prévention, l'environnement, la protection,
more info and comments on the book: www.goodreads.com/book/show/1527248.Biolo_Eff_of_Surf

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