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Available free: environmental science, ecology, water, ecotoxicology, publications,

авг 30, 2014 | 04:08

Available free, Researchgate, environmental science, ecology, water, ecotoxicology, biology, publications, online, 


At ResearchGate this file is in the following form:

Dataset: Researchgate: innovative results on ecology, environmental science, ecotoxicology, water quality improvement. 14-page list of publications
** this file is also here:



Online articles at ResearchGate, environmental saf... :  5bio5.blogspot.ru/2014/07/online-articles-at-researchgate.html

These articles on environmental science are available at ResearchGate, free:

Article: Publications 2014-2013


 Article: Criteria of ecological hazards due to anthropogenic effects on the biota: searching for a system.

Doklady biological sciences: proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Biological sciences sections / translated from Russian. 07/2014; 371:204-206.

Dataset: 2014, May. Enviro. sci., ecology. 281 posts with links.

Article: 306 online articles, April 2014, environmental science innovations, new facts


Article: Anthropogenic effects on the biota: towards a new system of principles and criteria for analysis of ecological hazards.

Rivista di biologia 04/2014; 96(1):159-169. 

Dataset: updated April 5, 2014. 43-page list.Questions,17 KEY DISCOVERIES, INNOVATIONS. Key questions. EXAMPLES OF KEY DISCOVERIES in ecology, environmental sciences, biology: A short list of some key discoveries and innovative scientific publications. A list of the scientific questions that were answered


Article: Assessment of acceptable loads of pollutants on macrophytes. Водное хозяйство России № 2, 2014 ОЦЕНКА ДОПУСТИМЫХ НАГРУЗОК ЗАГРЯЗНЯЮЩИХ ВЕЩЕСТВ НА МАКРОФИТЫ В ВОДНОЙ СРЕДЕ С ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕМ МЕТОДА РЕКУРРЕНТНЫХ ДОБАВОК

E.A.Solomonova, S.A.Ostroumov
Water Sector of Russia. 04/2014; 2:88-101.

Dataset: Environmental science, biology, protection of the environment. 1551 pages.

Dataset: 2014, March 24-25. Environmental Science posts.62 pages

Article: Accelerated decrease in surfactant concentration in the water of a microcosm in the presence of plants: Innovations for phytotechnology

Doklady Biological Sciences 03/2014; 425(1):180-182.

Dataset: 10 selected publications on ecology, environmental science, protection of environment. World Catalog.

Dataset: Second group of 6 papers. Springer journals. Ecology, environment. On some issues of maintaining

Dataset: 6 papers in Springer journals. Ecology, environment. First pages. On the multifunctional role… etc.


Dataset: Ecology, environmental science.The first part of the list, 30 of 91 publications in catalog WorldCat, authored by scientist at Lomonosov Moscow State University, Fulbright Award recipient

Dataset: Ecology, environmental science. The second part of the list of 91 publications mentioned in catalog WorldCat, authored by scientist at Lomonosov Moscow State University, Fulbright Award recipient

Dataset: Ecology, environmental science. The third part of the list of 91 publications in catalog WorldCat, authored by scientist at Lomonosov Moscow State University, Fulbright Award recipient

Dataset: Steps to a new ecology. Updated to 66 abstracts. Top ecology articles










The list of the articles in divided into 11 parts (2014, March):

Environmental science, Part 11, ResearchGate. Articles with tags:

criteria, ecological, hazardsAnthropogenic, effects, biota, plants, phytoremediation, water bodies, Biochemical Ecology, Nature, Conservation, book, membrane,chloroplasts,mitochondria, virus,evolution, eukaryotic, cell, bacteriorhodopsin, potential, proteins, bacteria,

Environmental science, Part 10, ResearchGate. Articles with tags: control, Imbalance, plankton, anthropogenic, impact, phytoplankton, water , surfactant, filter-feeder, priorities, biogeochemistry, self-purification, mussels, bivalves, Mytilus edulis, Lymnaea stagnalis
Wprowadzenie do ekologii biochemicznejbiological activity, xenobioticsFagopyrum esculentum, algae, seedlings,



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