О группе

This is a place where all who are interested feel comfortable. You can contribute your moral or intellectural support, information support. If you are interested in a scientific, or technological, or managerial, or educational aspect - welcome. The group is for both Russian and international individuals. Organizations are welcome as well. All are invited to contribute scientific or technological input. As mentioned, we also consider moral support as a valuable thing.


полный текст статьи бесплатно www.scribd.com/doc/59714281/;
Опубликовано: Остроумов С.А. Поиск подходов к решению проблемы глобальных изменений: элементы теории биотическо-экосистемного механизма регуляции и стабилизации параметров биосферы, геохимической и геологической среды // Вестник Моск. ун-та. Серия 16. биология. 2005. № 1. С.24-33.
The creation of this group is inspired by a publication in the article in the newspaper Moscow University,  No. 18-19. 2011, p.1, authored by V. Nikiforova.  The importance of this topic is mentioned among many ideas and programs that were covered in this large paper.