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All who want to see real hazards and to know how to deal with them , how to avoid them.


165 posts, environmental sciences, ecology, water, biosciences, 2013, December; Internet: Blogger; 4-page list :
5bio5.blogspot.com/2014/01/165-posts-environmental-sciences.html These 165 posts support the conclusions and main achievements of these publications:  https://www.researchgate.net/publication/259639072_100_innovative_articles.Discoveries._Ecology._Environmental_science._Biology._Water_safety?ev=prf_pub https://www.researchgate.net/publication/259638221_95_top_publications_with_Addendum_all_about_S.O?ev=prf_pub https://www.researchgate.net/publication/259638136_Moscow_University_Bibliography._Biologyecologyenvironmental_science._S.Ostroumov_2014_January_10?ev=prf_pub...
List of 80 top articles — environmental sciences, life sciences — publications List of 80 top articles — environmental sciences, life sciences — publications of Moscow University scientist results, 2014, January 1, selected. 
links, web pages to get the full texts: publications on environmental science, life science, ecology, water quality; at ResearchGate, see:
World catalog. WorldCat. Publications indexed, mentioned, cited — author: Moscow University publications 21-30 out of the list of 90 items. Key words: bioassay, conservation, detergents, ecology, ecotoxicology, environmental science, Moscow University, surfactants, water, bivalves, filtration 5bio5.blogspot.com/2013/11/world-catalog-worldcat-publications_4474.html   ** First 20 publications out of the list of 90 items — see: 5bio5.blogspot.com/2013/11/world-catalog-worldcat-publications_308.html ** More info  on many of these publications, including links to full texts of many of them, see here:  66 references, abstracts. Top ecology articles. Top environmental science articles. Top water ecology papers. Top ecotoxicology papers, books. ...
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MARINE FAUNA RESEARCH PROJECT: PLUTON ENLIST BMT Marine and coastal environment specialists, BMT Oceanica (BMT), a subsidiary of BMT Group Ltd, has commenced its latest project with Pluton Resources Ltd (Pluton) to increase knowledge of marine fauna UK OFFSHORE ENERGY SECTOR NEEDS REGULATING, SAYS NEW REPORT The equivalent of 41 billion barrels of oil have already been produced from the UK Continental Shelf, but production is declining. Improving the way the UK's offshore oil and gas industry is regulated...
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Astghik Hakobyan,
Narek Grigoryan,
Севила Косакян,
Margarita Hovhannisyan,
Арменухи Саргсян, -
Thanks to who liked the page:
Useful: Дополнен файл: Цитирование статей и книг по экологии, изданных сотрудниками МГУ, в российских и международных (англоязычных) научных журналах (примеры). Цитируемые журналы: Вестник РАН, Вестник Моск. ун-та. Биология; ДАН; книга издательства Наука....
Bibliography. Environmental toxicology, ecology, water quality, Self-purification, Freshwater, Marine Water, Aquatic organisms, water,  Pollution, Aquatic Ecosystems, selected. Authored, co-authored by Dr. Sergei A. Ostroumov,  Moscow State University;
World-wide citation: more than 600 papers, institutions cited discoveries in books, articles on environment, ecology of a scientist at Moscow University. International citing of publications: citation in U.S.A., Germany, U. K., Netherlands, Sweden, Japan, China, other countries:
Scientists of these institutions (worldwide,...
Environment. Recently read. These environmental science publications were read recently online, they are available free.  http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2013/09/enviro-recently-read-these_7.html  
19 recent blog posts, September 2013, Environmental science ** Most viewed at the moment. Environmental science.M...

Paper published: Biocontrol of Water Quality: Mult...
Citation of the article on environmental toxicolog...
Paper: Study of the interactions between Elodea ca...
Graduate students for Ocean Education (GrOE). Usef...
Bibliography on the topic: seawater quality, funct...
Bibliography on the topic: water self-purification...
Bibliography on topics: water quality, aquatic pol...
Definition of ecosystem. U.S.A. Availability of a ...
The series of blog posts with comments and info on...
invisible black holes in water ecosystems: where w...
32 Top...
170 recent blog posts. Environmental science and education, ecology, water: useful information in English and Russian, blog posts and references to publications in scientific journals both in Russian and English.
July 2013. 170 blog posts. Environmental science and education, ecology, water.
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На русском языке. Экология, экотоксикология, водна...
"I really enjoyed reading this" - independent opin...
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Учение о биосфере В.И.Вернадского. Новые публикации в развитие наук о биосфере. 
Научный журнал «Известия Самарского научного центра РАН»
2013, том 15, № 3.
Развитие идей В. И. Вернадского об эволюции биосферы в отечественной литературе: факты и гипотезы .
Современное развитие некоторых идей В. И. Вернадского .
Современные антропогенные модификации глобальных биогеохимических циклов .
Деятельность Комиссии...