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Письмо зарубежных ученых

авг 27, 2013 | 15:08
Руслан Мамараев разместил следующее письмо зарубежных ученых:
Prof. Dr. Abdusalam Gusseynov
Institute of Philosophy
14/1 (building 5), Volhonka Street
119992 Moscow
Statement from the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy in Athens (4-10 August 2013)
regarding the Proposed Reform of the Russian Academy of Sciences
15 August 2013.
Dear Professor Guseynov,
The representatives of the World Congress of Philosophy have been informed about the proposed 
restructuring of the Russian Academy of Sciences suddenly put forward to the State Duma of the Russian 
Federation on 28 June 2013, as well as of the serious opposition that this project meets within the scientific 
community of Russia and of the Russian Academy of the Sciences in particular.
We, the representatives of the member philosophical societies of FISP express our deep concern 
concerning the reform proposals for the Russian Academy of Sciences proposed by the Russian 
government. The grounds for concern include in particular the lack of consultation with the academic 
community and the risk that the proposed changes could threaten the autonomy and independence of the 
Russian Academy of Sciences and various research institutes. Members of the Russian Academy recognize 
the need for change, but are concerned that the legislation as proposed is not the right way to achieve it.
We firmly believe that proposals for changing the status of scientific research in any country must be 
analyzed and discussed in advance in collaboration with the scientific community itself. Considerations of a 
purely political, social, financial or administrative nature ought not dictate the guidelines for the science policy of a whole country. This is especially relevant in the case of the Russian Academy of the Sciences,
which has such enormous scientific prestige at the international level. 
We continue to watch carefully the negotiations over the proposed reform and note that some 
changes have been introduced in the course of public discussion. We urge that the time remaining until the 
final decision be used for wide and open consultation with all interested parties within Russia. We support 
the proposal that the government and the Russian Academy should set up an expert committee of respected 
representatives of scientific community and elaborate a plan of reform for all basic scientific research in 
Russia. All this is required in order to give the Russian research community the best chance of promoting 
research of excellent quality, of safeguarding its reputation and effectiveness, and of developing its role as a 
valued international partner.
It has been normally expected that significant social changes are planned and designed in collaboration 
with widely recognized experts in the social sciences and humanities. Unfortunately this was not the case of 
the proposed reform. We really hope that the Russian Government will rethink its position on this delicate 
and relevant matter.
This resolution was passed at the General Assembly of the Fédération Internationale des Sociétés de 
Philosophie at its XXIII World Congress in Athens, held on 9th August 2013.
Yours sincerely,
Dermot Moran MA Phil PhD DLitt MRIA Luca Maria Scarantino
President, FISP Secretary General, FISP

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