О проекте

he Open Access Publisher from India has come up with 100+ International Open Access Journals which publishes research papers, review papers , methodology articles, case studies and video research work with Open Access Publishing system. Cloud Journals is initiated by Cloud Publications which is the international open access publisher publishes open access e-Journals in the area of science, technology, engineering, medical, art, humanity and management. Cloud Publications is known for its diverse area of open access journals, true discoveries, quality content and time delivery of journals. Cloud Journals are path breaking journals that adopt an open access approach to publication, viewing research as a cooperative enterprise between authors, editors, referees, and readers. Most of the journal titles begin with “International Journal of … “ and some interesting and new titles among the journals, including the International Journal of Advanced Leather Technology, the International Journal of Financial Crisis and Black Money, International Journal of Advanced Plantation Management and Global Warming and International Journal of Advanced Peace and Gandhian Studies.

P Journals- Open Access

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