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Some Nonlinear Convergence Improving Approaches in Numerical Simulation of Multiphase Flow Problems
D. Yu. Maksimov, N. A. Marchenko, V. A. Semiletov, P. Yu. Tomin, Preprint, KIAM, Russian Academy of Sciences, N. 44, 2010.
Hierarchy of Explicit-Implicit Difference Schemes for Multiphase Filtration Problems
N. A. Marchenko, A. Kh. Pergament, S. B. Popov, V. A. Semiletov, P. Yu. Tomin, Preprint, KIAM, Russian Academy of Sciences, N. 97, 2008.
Multiscale Algorithms Based on Finite Super Element Method for Two-Phase Flow Simulations
P. Yu. Tomin, Preprint, KIAM, Russian Academy of Sciences, N. 45, 2007.
Inverse Problem of Measuring the Ultrashort Laser Pulse Parameters
P. Yu. Tomin, Preprint, KIAM, Russian Academy of Sciences, N. 51, 2006.
Parallel Computation Application for Reservoir Simulation
D. Yu. Maksimov, A. S. Tikhonov, P. Yu. Tomin, Herald of the CDC Rosnedra, N. 2, P. 69-78, 2007.
Search for the Best Solution for Choosing the Location of Planned Wells in the Gas Deposit Area
S. K. Akhmedsafin, S. A. Kirsanov, A. N. Laperdin, A. V. Krasovskiy, A. D. Balashov, D. A. Mitrushkin, P. Yu. Tomin, Herald of the CDC Rosnedra, N. 2, P. 35-42, 2011.
On Study of Relative Phase Permeabilities for Anisotropic Media
A. Kh. Pergament, P. Yu. Tomin, Mathematical Modeling, V. 23, N. 5, P. 3-15, 2011.
On Some Multiscale Algorithms for Sector Modeling in Multiphase Flow Problems
A. Kh. Pergament, V. A. Semiletov, P. Yu. Tomin, Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations, V. 3, N. 3, P. 365-374, 2011.
Up- and Down-Scaling in Filtration Problem with Anisotropic Coefficients
A. Kh. Pergament, V. A. Semiletov, P. Yu. Tomin, Herald of the CDC Rosnedra, N. 4, P. 23-30, 2010..