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Role of the buffer porous layer and dysprosium doping in GaInP-porGaAs-GaAs heterostructures
E. P. Domashevskaya, P. V. Seredin, A. V. Glotov [et al.], Phys. Status Solidi C. – 2009. – V.7. – Pp. 1694–1696..
Structural and optical investigations of AlxGa1-xAs:Si/GaAs(100) MOCVD heterostructures
A.V. Glotov, P.V. Seredin, E.P. Domashevskaya [et al.], Physica B: Condensed Matter.-2010.- V.405.- I.22.- Pp. 4607–4614..
Raman investigation of low temperature AlGaAs/GaAs(100) heterostructures
A.V. Glotov, P.V. Seredin, E.P. Domashevskaya [et al.], Physica B: Condensed Matter.-2010.- V.405.- I.12.- Pp. 2694–2696..
Субструктура и люминесценция низкотемпературных гетероструктур AlGaAs/GaAs(100)
А.В. Глотов, П.В. Середин, Э.П. Домашевская [и др.], Физика и техника полупроводников, 2010, том 44, вып. 2.
Structural, optical, and nonlinear optical absorption/refraction studies
R.A. Ganeev, G.S. Boltaev, R.I. Tugushev, T. Usmanov, 2010-10-28