Список проектов

“Seaweeds as an Additional Income to Shrimp Farmers”
Cultivating marine algae for food production using different techniques, viz. cultivation along with aquaculture units (functions as biofilters), by artificial culturing and tissue culture techniques. Species belonging to green algae, brown algae and red algae were grown and maintained for these...
Consortium of plant grow-stimulating soil microorganisms
Allocation and researching of active grow-stimulating soil microorganisms and creating new effective, ecologicaly pure, biopreparations
“Modulation of curcumin responsive pathways by hypoxia: a study in glial cells”
Malignant glioma is an intractable cancer of the human brain. In spite of recent advances in medical technologies, malignant glioma is refractory to current and alternative therapies. The response of the tumor is very often quite different from what is observed in vitro, a probable reason being...
The aim of this project is to develop a toolbox that combines and puts different high-throughput experimental methods together under the roof of bio- and chemoinformatics, to exploit the full potential of the included methods as well as the generated data. The toolbox will comprise a combination...
About 3000 samples of insects from 9 order were collected from experimental wood cenoses divided into high polluted site, light polluted site and unpolluted site according to distance from the source of pollution.
Invitro cloning and phytochemical screening of jojoba.
we can grow jojoba inviro,use as a biofuel,lubricant inaeronautics,in cosmetic industrie also.
Пространственная структура популяций птиц лесостепного зауралья
изучение популяций птиц, анализ пространственной структуры популяций, сезонная динамика орнитоценозов
Генотипирование крупного рогатого скота по генам каппа-казеина, бета-лактоглобулина и т.д.
Генотипирование крупного рогатого скота по генам каппа-казеина, бета-лактоглобулина и т.д.
Изменчивость и наследуемость признаков габитуса у льна масличного
Проведено комплексное исследование особенностей изменчивости и наследования признака карликовости, а также количественных признаков ветвления стебля и высоты...
Chemopreventive molecules of cancer
to find out the natural avilable molecules as target protein to prevent cancer.
Роль аденилатциклазной сигнальной системы растений в устойчивости к стрессорам различной природы
Нашими работами показано, что уровень активности и скорость активации аденилатциклазной сигнальной системы зависят от устойчивости сорта растения к...