Список проектов

Ингибиторы фосфодиэстеразы PDE4 с противоопухолевым эффектом
Проведен дизайн, синтез и скрининг 3-амино-изохинолинов с противоопухолевыми свойствами.
Two approaches to the use of bezo[c][1,2]oxaboroles as active fragments for synthetic transformation of clarithromycin
Two synthetic pathways for conjugates of clarithromycin (active against Gram positive infections) and congeners of 1-hydroxy-1,3-dihydrobenzoxa[2,1][c]borol (effective for Gram negative microbes) are elaborated. Clarithromycin and benzoxa[2,1][c]borol derivatives are the ligands of bacterial RNA....
Synthesis and biological evaluation of thienoquinolines as disruptors of the PKCe/RACK2 protein-protein interaction
The superfamily of the protein kinase C (PKC) comprises ten isozymes and is widely known for its key role in signal transduction. Acquiring isozyme-selective inhibitors is a difficult task due to the high sequence similarity within the ten PKCs. It was found that...
Synthesis of Derived Porphyrin and Porphyrin Dendrimers Macrocycle Molucules and their Electrochemical Characterization”
Synthesis of Derived Porphyrin and Porphyrin Dendrimers Macrocycle Molucules and their Electrochemical Characterization”
Synthesis of derived heterocyclic systems
synthesized a library of pharmaceuticals industrial important heterocycles viz Benzoxazine, Pyrazole, Pyridine, Indole and Pyrrole and screened their biological activities like antimicrobial, antifungal and anti-tubercular activity.
Влияние электронного переноса на направленность механизма гетерогенных реакций при синтезе наноматериалов из ниобийсодержащих расплавов
Влияние электронного переноса на направленность механизма гетерогенных реакций при синтезе наноматериалов из ниобийсодержащих расплавов
Catalyst modification of debenzylation of protected drug molecules
Catalysts like Pd/C were prepared by various techniques in order to achieve higher yield of drug on deprotection of it's protected form.
Quantum Chemistry
Винтажная квантовая химия. Основные результаты Киевской группы квантовой химии ИФХ АН УССР и ИТФ АН УССР в период 1963 - 1991 годы приведены в монографии Ю.А. Кругляк....
Quantum modeling of quantum chemistry on quantum computers
My new book "Quantum modeling of quantum chemistry on quantum computers" in Russian is under preparation. The monography consists of three parts: Part I: Vintage quantum chemistry, Part II: Quantum computations and quantum informatics, and Part III: Quantum chemistry on quantum...
Модификация технических лигнинов в водных системах и получение органоминеральных структур с полифункциональными свойствами.
Исследование механизмов и закономерностей модификации технических лигнинов и условий формирования новых полифункциональных органоминеральных структур с...
Разработка технологии переработки ЖРО
Технология включает основные стадии-деструктивное окисление органической составляющей ЖРО и сорбционную очистку от изотопов цезия
Development Of Nano-Catalyst
The advancement of nanotechnology offers wide scope for development of green, efficient and economic Nano-Catalyst for synthesizing novel biomolecules and to improve the yield and efficiency of amidation reactions.