Pichandi Ashokkumar » Публикация
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Опубликовано на SciPeople2010-11-04 06:12:01
A Head-to-Tail Intermolecular Hydrogen bonding of OH and NH groups with Fluoride: Evidence through Optical and NMR Spectral Studies
ChemPhysChem 2011, 12, 389 – 396
To explore the anion recognition ability of phenolic hydroxyl group
and amino hydrogen, we have synthesized three different
acridinedione (ADD) based anion receptors 1, 2 and 3 having OH, NH
and combination of OH and NH groups respectively. Absorption,
emission and 1H NMR spectral studies revealed that the receptor 1
having only phenolic OH group shows deprotonation of the hydroxylic
proton selectively towards F-, and results in the “ON-OFF” type signal
in the fluorescence spectral studies. Receptor 2 having only amino
hydrogen also shows deprotonation of amino hydrogen with F-;
whereas, receptor 3 having both OH and NH groups show head-to-tail
intermolecular hydrogen bonding of OH and NH groups with F- prior
to deprotonation. Observation of hydrogen bonding of OH and NH
groups in combined solution of 1 and 2 with F- in a head-to-tail
heterointermolecular fashion and the absence of head-to-head and
tail-to-tail intermolecular hydrogen bonding in 1 and 2 with F- prove
that the difference in the acidity of the OH and NH protons leads to
the intermolecular hydrogen bonding complex formation with F- prior
to deprotonation. Presence of hydrogen bonding complex was
confirmed by absorption, 3D emission contour and 1H NMR titration
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