Muralidhar Chourashiya » Публикация

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Опубликовано 2009-12-21 Опубликовано на SciPeople2011-01-21 06:37:44 ЖурналConference on Renewable Energy Technology 2009 - CRET 2009

Synthesis of nano-materials for variety of applications using solution combustion synthesis (SCS)
Muralidhar G. Chourashiya / Muralidhar Chourashiya
Аннотация Nano-science and technology has emerged as a frontier area of research today and hence a demand to prepare the nano-materials for the variety of application has been increased significantly to a laboratory as well as industrial level. Therefore, to fill-up these demands a synthesis technique is developed by Prof. K.C. Patil of Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, which allows production of nano-materials on a wide scale. The technique named solution combustion synthesis (SCS) although having all the advantage of Self-propagating High temperature Synthesis (SHS); it is rather simple, economical and fast technique. The article presents brief details of technique to get started with SCS.
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