27 июл 2002
На SciPeople
1 мар 2011
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
Structural Basis for Understanding Structure−Activity Relationships for the Glutamate Binding Site of the NMDA Receptor
Irina G. Tikhonova, Igor I. Baskin, Vladimir A. Palyulin, Nikolai S. Zefirov
Игорь Баскин
27 июл 2002 |
We present new homology-based models of the glutamate binding site (in closed and open forms) of the NMDA receptor NR2B subunit derived from X-ray structures of the water soluble AMPA sensitive glutamate receptor. The models were used for revealing binding modes of agonists and competitive antagonists, as well as for rationalizing known experimental facts concerning structure−activity relationships: (i) the switching between the agonist and the antagonist modes of action upon lengthening the chain between the distal acidic group and the amino acid moiety, (ii) the preference for the methyl group attached to the α-amino group of ligands, (iii) the preference for the d-configuration of agonists and antagonists, and (iv) the existence of “superacidic” agonists.
J. Med. Chem., 2002, 45 (18), pp 3836–3843
DOI: 10.1021/jm011091t
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