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Опубликовано на SciPeople2011-03-16 16:30:13
ЖурналModern Building Materials, Structures and Techniques
Analysis and design of suspended roof shells with large openings
Analysis and design of roof constructions shaped as large-span suspension shells with openings on elliptic plan, formed by the system of flexible-rigid filaments of through-section and screening made of carbon plastic, or by sheet metal membrane are considered in the paper. The system of non-dimensional space-rigid parameters has been received for the examined constructions in terms of research of equation systems of static equilibrium on the contiguity line of the shells and the contour. The principal results of the research of a large-scale model of the suspension girders block are given. The main stages of analysis and design procedure of the investigated constructions are represented. To design membrane structures the procedure has been completed with the optimization block.
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