Дмитрий Пыльнов » Публикация

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Опубликовано 2011-05-20 На SciPeople2011-05-27 ОрганизацияВолгоградский государственный технический университет ЖурналPolymer Science Series D Number 2

Influence of hardener on physicochemical and dynamic properties of polyurethanes based on α,ω-di(2-hydroxypropyl)-polybutadiene Krasol LBH-3000

I. A. Novakov, A. V. Nistratov, V. P. Medvedev, D. V. Pyl’nov / Дмитрий Пыльнов


The peculiarities of how hardener influences the structural, physicochemical, dynamic elastic hysteresis, and relaxation properties of materials based on oligodienediol Krasol LBH-3000 are established. It is shown that polydieneurethanes hardened under conditions where the ratio of the reactive groups is NCO/Σ(OH) ≈ 0.9−1.25 mol/mol have optimal properties.


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