На SciPeople2011-05-27
ОрганизацияВолгоградский государственный технический университет
ЖурналPolymer Science Series D Number 2
Influence of hardener on physicochemical and dynamic properties of polyurethanes based on α,ω-di(2-hydroxypropyl)-polybutadiene Krasol LBH-3000
I. A. Novakov, A. V. Nistratov, V. P. Medvedev, D. V. Pyl’nov
Дмитрий Пыльнов
The peculiarities of how hardener influences the structural, physicochemical, dynamic elastic hysteresis, and relaxation properties of materials based on oligodienediol Krasol LBH-3000 are established. It is shown that polydieneurethanes hardened under conditions where the ratio of the reactive groups is NCO/Σ(OH) ≈ 0.9−1.25 mol/mol have optimal properties.
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