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Опубликовано 2009-09-25 На SciPeople2011-09-25 ЖурналМАИК "Наука/Интерпериодика"

Hydrodynamic Features of the Impact of a Hollow Spherical Drop on a Flat Surface

I.P. Gulyaev, O.P. Solonenko, P.Y. Gulyaev, A.V. Smirnov / Павел Гуляев


The primary purpose of this paper is an investigation of physical mechanism of hollow particles formation, its behavior in plasma jet, considering expansion due to heating, and collision onto a substrate under thermal spray conditions. The new experimental data is compared to results of numerical experiments. Peculiarities of single particle interaction with a substrate under small particle size and high velocities are demonstrated


Technical Physics Letters, 2009, 35 (10), 12 - 19


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