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Опубликовано 2011-11-26 На SciPeople 2011-12-07 Организация Almetyevsk State Institute of Municipal Services (Almetyevsk, Russia) Журнал Cosmopolitanism in a Wider Context: Conceptualizing Past and Present.

New religious movements throughout a clash of civilizations and its role in the life of contemporary society


Valeriy K. Korepanov. New religious movements throughout a clash of civilizations and its role in the life of contemporary society. Section: Religion and the 'clash of civilizations// International conference: “Cosmopolitanism in a Wider Context: Conceptualizing Past and Present”, 24–26 November 2011, in Huddinge/Stockholm, Sweden./ Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES). Södertörn University. SE-141 89 Huddinge (South Stockholm), Sweden [Included in the list of 40 participants!]. http://webappl.web.sh.se/p3/ext/res.nsf/vRes/cbees_engelsk_1318603997907_book_of_abstracts_8th_pdf/$File/Book_of_Abstracts_8th.pdf


International conference: “Cosmopolitanism in a Wider Context: Conceptualizing Past and Present”, 24–26 November 2011, in Huddinge/Stockholm, Sweden./ Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES). Södertörn University. SE-141 89 Huddinge (South Stockholm), Sweden [Included in the list of 40 participants!]. SEE Book of Abstracts on: http://webappl.web.sh.se/p3/ext/res.nsf/vRes/cbees_engelsk_1318603997907_book_of_abstracts_8th_pdf/$File/Book_of_Abstracts_8th.pdf


pdf http://webappl.web.sh.se/cosmopolitanism pdf  

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