The research objective was to study the dynamics of the bacterial contamination and the healing rate of the experimental purulent wound when applying the suspension of copper, iron, zinc nanoparticles locally. Iron, copper and zinc nanoparticles received by a plasmochemical method were used under the influence of a plasmic stream with the temperature 5000-6000°K. 40 white rats — males with purulent wounds were used in the investigation. Planimetric and bacteriological methods of study helped evaluate the traumatic process. They were carried out on the 3rd, 5th, 7th, 10th and 14th days. Application of the suspension of copper nanoparticles ensured the elimination of the causative agent which had contaminated the wound in a short period of time in comparison with the groups in which iron and zinc nanoparticles had been applied and the control group. The shortest term of wound healing was detected when using the suspension of copper nanoparticles; a rather less healing rate was observed when using the suspension of zinc nanoparticles. Regenerating action of iron nanoparticles was less evident considerably, but significantly differed from the control group. In conclusion it was stated that the use of the suspensions of metal nanoparticles in the isotonic solution was proved to be effective in the local treatment of purulent wounds. Suppression of microbial flora and regenerative action were detected to various degrees. The most evident antiseptic and regenerative action was determined in copper nanoparticles
Babushkina I. V. Metal nanoparticles in treatment of experimental purulent wounds // Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research, Vol. 7, Issue 2, 2011, pp. 530-533
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