«Саратовский научно-медицинский журнал» » Архив номеров » Volume 8, issue 3 » Публикация

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Опубликовано 2012-09-25 Опубликовано на SciPeople2012-12-29 00:01:59 ЖурналSaratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research

Effects of intranasal medicines on microcirculatory blood flow of nasal cavity
Svistunov A.A., Mareev О.V., Mareev G.О., Bukreev I.S. / Антон Киселев контактное лицо
Svistunov A.A., Mareev О.V., Mareev G.О., Bukreev I.S. Effects of intranasal medicines on microcirculatory blood flow of nasal cavity // Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research, Vol. 8, Issue 3, 2012, pp. 791-794
Аннотация The article describes the new method of assessment of microcirculatory blood perfusion and introduction of this method into the study of intranasal drugs effects on mucosal blood flow in the nasal cavity. The research work presents some different groups of drugs — decongestants, physical solutions for irrigation therapy and local corticosteroids. It has been revealed that intranasal decongestants have a significant effect on the intranasal blood flow, but their intake affects the mucosal membrane of the nasal cavity. Other drugs have not shown such negative effects and have not caused tachyphylaxis. Therefore these medicines may be recommended for more common use in ENT-practice.
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