«Саратовский научно-медицинский журнал» » Архив номеров » Volume 8, issue 3 » Публикация
Опубликовано на SciPeople2012-12-29 00:01:59
ЖурналSaratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research
Low-frequency magnetic field effect on solubility of oxalate type human organominerals in water in vitro
PopkovV.M., Usanov D.A., Usanov A. D., Rebrov V.G., Verkhov D.G., Bulanov V.M. Low-frequency magnetic field effect on solubility of oxalate type human organominerals in water in vitro // Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research, Vol. 8, Issue 3, 2012, pp. 831-834
The research goal is to determine low-frequency AMF effect on dissolution of urinary stone material in vitro in water with human urinary stones (oxalate type). Materials and Methods. The structural changes in aqueous solutions may occur when exposed to low-frequency alternating magnetic fields (AMF). It depends on chemical composition of the solutions under the study. Results. Organic components (63.1 %), leading to the density decrease of the solution, urea (18.8%), leading to its increase, and oxalic acid (19.7%) have been determined in stone composition. The decrease of transmittance T (%) by the time of oxalate dissolution has indicated increase in concentration of dissolved sample. The sample has been exposed to AMF of 2-9 Hz on the background of the control sample. The growth of this dependence with AMF increasing of 11-22 Hz has established less concentration of dissolved sample in the test solution than in the control one. Conclusion. The main task has been to determine the influence of AMF of 2-22 Hz on solubility of urinary stones placed in water for an hour. The article is to conclude that maximal solubility of oxalate mineral sample by AMF of 2-22 Hz has been reached. It is 14% more than in the control solution. The effectiveness of AMF influence on solubility of organomineral decreases with frequency increasing. It has been confirmed by photometric and areometric measurements.
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