Елена Васильева » Публикация
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Опубликовано на SciPeople2013-03-29 00:17:45
Журнал: Религия в современном обществе: Материалы международной научно-практической конференции, 2-3 февраля 2009 г.
Секта как социологическая и политическая категория
М., 2009. С. 140-151.
The article considers different conceptions of the notion “sect” proposed by religion sociologists and political figures. It is pointed that the notion “sect” varies from neutral to pejorative one. The author of the article proves that this notion is as multiply-meaning, as affective one. Moreover, it is very popular among unticultists who can give it the wrong sense. It does not meet requirements related to juridical terminology.