Электронный журнал «Проблемы телекоммуникаций» » Архив номеров » Volume 2013, issue 1 » Публикация

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Опубликовано 2013-02-22 Опубликовано на SciPeople2013-07-24 10:27:08 ЖурналПроблеми телекомунікацій

Model Guaranteed Transmission Rate Providing in WiMAX Downlink
Al-Janabi Haider Dheyaa Kamil, Al-Dulaimi Aymen Mohammed Khodayer, Abed Ahmed Hassan / Максим Семеняка контактное лицо
Al-Janabi Haider Dheyaa Kamil, Al-Dulaimi Aymen Mohammed Khodayer, Abed Ahmed Hassan Model Guaranteed Transmission Rate Providing in WiMAX Downlink // Проблеми телекомунікацій, Vol. 2013, Issue 1, 2013, pp. 3-12
Аннотация Found that the provision of the required transmission rate of WiMAX can be achieved by solving the problem of frequency resource allocation in the downlink. As a result analyzed by the existing mechanisms of the frequency distribution of resources between subscriber stations in a downlink wireless network, operating using the technology of WiMAX. Based on the identified drawbacks of making a mathematical model the distribution of sub-channels in the network standard, IEEE 802.16, which provides a guaranteed rate subscriber stations in the downlink and submitted by a number of linear constraint equations. The novelty of the model lies in the formulation of the problem the frequency distribution of the resource allocation problem as a sub-channel with a firmly fixed number of subcarriers in each of them. The solution to the optimization problem sub-channel allocation proposed to carry out a multiple objective functions that the available frequency resources in order to allocate a minimum number of sub-channels, the distribution of the available frequency resources in order to allocate a minimum transfer speed of each the subscriber stations, the distribution of the available frequency resources to jointly minimize the number of used sub-channels and a transmission rate allocated to subscriber stations in a downlink. A comparative analysis of the solutions obtained by using different objective functions.
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