Karim Hajhashemi » Публикация

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Опубликовано 2013-00-00 Опубликовано на SciPeople2013-12-18 02:44:35 ЖурналAcademic Research International

Relations between Language Learning Strategies, Language Proficiency and Multiple Intelligences
Karim Hajhashemi, Alireza Shakarami, Neil Anderson, Seyed Yasin Yazdi-Amirkhiz, Wuying Zou / Karim Hajhashemi
Аннотация The theory of multiple intelligences (MI) developed by Gardner, proposes at least nine different human intelligences that are distinct and relatively autonomous human intelligences through which people learn. It has been theorized that knowing our MI profile assists us to learn and use this awareness to obtain necessary information and knowledge from a lesson. Characterizing learners’ personal MI profiles thus may enhance learning. Language learners’ learning process, on the other hand, can be facilitated through the use of language learning strategies, particularly if the strategies have been explicitly developed by instructors who possess knowledge about individuals’ learning styles. This paper presents data from an exploratory study to investigate any possible relationship between ESL students’ MI profiles and their use of language learning strategies and hence their proficiency level, as measured by the MUET (Malaysian University English Test).
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