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Опубликовано на SciPeople2014-02-21 01:38:19
Peasant Problem in National and World History
Brodovskaya L.N. Krest'yanskiy vopros v otechestvennoy i mirovoy istorii [Peasant Problem in National and World History] // Vlast' [Authority]. 2013. No. 4. P. 189–191 //http://www.isras.ru/files/File/Vlast/2013/04/Brodovskaya.pdf
The sessions of the theoretical seminar "The Peasant Question in the national and world history" (of the Centre for Agrarian Studies of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration and of the Scientific Project "People and Power: the History of Russia and its Falsifications") is dedicated to the interdisciplinary scientific analysis of various aspects of problem of the interaction of Peasantry and Power. «The Peasant Question» was considered as an essential problem of the Russian studies, in which concentrated main conflicts of Russian history.