Андрей Сахно » Публикация

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Опубликовано 2014-03-01 Опубликовано на SciPeople2014-06-05 09:37:22 ЖурналLviv-Slavske, Ukraine

Fiber Optic Gyroscope Based on the Registration of the Spatial Interference Pattern
Sergiy Pavlov, Stanislav Tuzhanskyi, Andrew Sachno / Андрей Сахно
Аннотация Proposed design of a fiber optic gyroscope FOG using a photosensitive line, to scan interferograms. Shift periods depends mainly on the change of the phase of counter light waves propagating along the closed loop in opposite directions while rotating loop around an axis that is normal to its plane is proportional to the angular velocity Ω and the area of the circuit S which is bypassed by the counter-propagating waves. Proposed FOG design significantly reduces the impact of the following optical noise factors (zero drift, Rayleigh scattering, the effect of Kera, etc.).

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