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Архив номеров » Volume 1, issue 3

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Страницы 303 - 0 Опубликовано 1 дек 2012 На SciPeople 16 окт 2014 Журнал Russian Open Medical Journal

Hemodynamic Changes Caused by Exposure of Animals with Acute Immobilization Stress to Continuous Terahertz Radiation with Frequencies equal to Absorption and Emission Frequencies of Nitrogen Oxide and Atmospheric Oxygen

Vyacheslav F. Kirichuk, Vitaly V. Velikanov, Tatyana S. Velikanova, Olga N. Antipova, Evgeny V. Andronov, Alexey N. Ivanov, Svetlana S. Parshina, Natalia E. Babichenko, Tatyana S. Kiriyazi, Elena V. Ponukalina, Irina V. Smyshlyaeva, Liliana K. Tokaeva, Alexander A. Tsymbal / Антон Киселев контактное лицо
1 дек 2012


The aim was to study the effects of exposure of albino rats to continuous terahertz radiation with frequencies equal to absorption and emission frequencies of nitrogen oxide (150.176-150.664 GHz) and atmospheric oxygen (129.0 ± 0.75 GHz) during their immobilization stress on their blood flow rate. Methods – The group of 120 male non-pedigree albino rats with average weight of 180-220 g was chosen as a test subject. Simulation of hemodynamic disorders was achieved by incurring active immobilization stress. All rats were exposed to electromagnetic terahertz radiation equal to absorption and emission frequencies of nitrogen oxide (150.176-150.664 GHz) and atmospheric oxygen (129.0 ± 0.75 GHz) for 5, 15 and 30 minutes. Results – Experimental simulation of hemodynamic disorders during acute immobilization stress has shown that exposure to continuous terahertz radiation with frequencies equal to absorption and emission frequencies of nitrogen oxide (150.176-150.664 GHz) and atmospheric oxygen (129.0 ± 0.75 GHz) for 5, 15 and 30 minutes allows to revert post-stress hemodynamic changes in great vessels. Conclusion – This allows using terahertz electromagnetic radiation with frequencies equal to absorption and emission frequencies of nitrogen oxide (150.176-150.664 GHz) and atmospheric oxygen (129.0 ± 0.75 GHz) to treat hemodynamic disorders accompanying some of pathologic diseases.


Vyacheslav F. Kirichuk, Vitaly V. Velikanov, Tatyana S. Velikanova, Olga N. Antipova, Evgeny V. Andronov, Alexey N. Ivanov, Svetlana S. Parshina, Natalia E. Babichenko, Tatyana S. Kiriyazi, Elena V. Ponukalina, Irina V. Smyshlyaeva, Liliana K. Tokaeva, Alexander A. Tsymbal Hemodynamic Changes Caused by Exposure of Animals with Acute Immobilization Stress to Continuous Terahertz Radiation with Frequencies equal to Absorption and Emission Frequencies of Nitrogen Oxide and Atmospheric Oxygen // Russian Open Medical Journal, Vol. 1, Issue 3, 2012, pp. 303-0



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