Russian Open Medical Journal » Архив номеров » Volume 2, issue 1 » Публикация

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Опубликовано 2013-02-01 Опубликовано на SciPeople2014-10-16 14:24:41 ЖурналRussian Open Medical Journal

Behavioral reactions of white male rats under stress conditions during the persistent irradiation of THz-band electromagnetic waves of nitrogen oxide occurrence
Vyacheslav F. Kirichuk, Olga N. Antipova, Jana A. Krylova, Evgeny V. Andronov / Антон Киселев контактное лицо
Vyacheslav F. Kirichuk, Olga N. Antipova, Jana A. Krylova, Evgeny V. Andronov Behavioral reactions of white male rats under stress conditions during the persistent irradiation of THz-band electromagnetic waves of nitrogen oxide occurrence // Russian Open Medical Journal, Vol. 2, Issue 1, 2013, pp. 103-0
Аннотация There had been carried out a comparative analysis of terahertz (THz) radiation exposure of 150.176-150.664 GHz nitrogen oxide occurrences on stress-dependent changes in behavioral reactions of white rats under hypokinetic stress condition. It was found that the radiation fully or partially normalizes behavioral reactions of white male rats under hypokinetic stress condition. The most effective method is persistent 30-minute irradiation.
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