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Архив номеров » Volume 2, issue 4

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Опубликовано 2013-11-28 На SciPeople2014-10-16 ЖурналRussian Open Medical Journal

Regulatory effects of terahertz waves

Vyacheslav F. Kirichuk, Alexey N. Ivanov / Антон Киселев контактное лицо


There are modern data about biological effects of terahertz (THz) waves in this article. Items of interaction of THz waves with bio objects of different organization level. A complex of the data indicates that the realization of a THz wave effect in biosystems is possible at molecular, cellular, tissular, organ and system levels of regulation. There are data about changes in nervous and humoral regulation of an organism and metabolic effects of THz waves.


Vyacheslav F. Kirichuk, Alexey N. Ivanov Regulatory effects of terahertz waves // Russian Open Medical Journal, Vol. 2, Issue 4, 2013, pp. 402-0



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