There had been studied the influence of electromagnetic waves at terahertz frequencies of active cellular metabolites (nitric oxide 150.176-150.664 GHz and 129.0 GHz atmospheric oxygen) on the changed parameters of homeostasis in experimental animals. It is shown that in the 15 minute exposure mode terahertz waves at frequencies of nitric oxide 150.176-150.664 GHz observed partial recovery of the changed parameters of homeostasis in stressed animals, and at 30 minute mode, the impact of these waves there is complete recovery of homeostatic parameters of male rats in a state of acute and prolonged immobilization stress.
Vyacheslav F. Kirichuk, Alexander A. Tsymbal Patterns of biological effects of electromagnetic terahertz waves at frequencies of active cellular metabolites of post stressed changes in hemostasis // Russian Open Medical Journal, Vol. 2, Issue 4, 2013, pp. 403-0
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