THE RUSSIAN ACADEMIC JOURNAL » Архив номеров » Volume 24, issue 2 » Публикация

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Опубликовано 2013-04-01 Опубликовано на SciPeople2015-07-01 11:45:50 ЖурналThe Russian Academic Journal

Where to find the roots of innovative: relationship between innovation and environmental management system
K.I. Sotnikova Where to find the roots of innovative: relationship between innovation and environmental management system // The Russian Academic Journal, Vol. 24, Issue 2, 2013, pp. 0-0
Аннотация The main and decisive factor in the success of the  institutional environment for innovation in the creation of the organization is its control system, introduced in turn a set of elements such as the philosophy of the organization  and its corporate culture, its principles and used by tools and techniques. A common feature characteristic of the control system best known for its innovative companies, is toappeal to internal staff incentives: the desire for autonomy, the desire for mastery / perfection and the desire to follow the ultimate goal, purpose  of  the  organization.  In  contrast,  traditional  systems  management  features  hierarchy,  centralization  of  decision-making,  strict control and functionality as a consequence, the lack of motivation among employees to self-improvement and development. To improve the innovative capacity to understand the internal limits that are specified existing control system,  and begin the transformation of the system, aimed at creating an innovative environment of the organization through the opening of creative personnel of its staff.
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