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Архив номеров Авторам Авторам Читатели Блог

Архив номеров » Volume 26, issue 4

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Опубликовано 2013-12-01 На SciPeople2015-07-01 ЖурналThe Russian Academic Journal

Improving management conceptseconomic connections inthe region information and development of the single economic space

Sergey Sorokin / Alexey Fedorov контактное лицо


The paper analyzes the processes of improvement and management concepts economic ties in the region during the formation and evelopment of a single economic space. Objective. Uncover principles, laws and factors distribution of productive forces in the region. Analyze the direction of the process of improving the economic space in the region and the impact of production on the regional reproductive process. Conclusions. Investigation of the role of distributive relations in the process of comprehensive utilization of productive forces in the regional reproductive process revealed the general direction of their improvement, which are as follows: to provide a regional process of expanded reproduction, balance the proportions of the regional economy, architectonics economic space in the region and to ensure their balance, encouraging effective
interaction sub regional economy based on horizontal relations; settlement prices for the products, services, regional resources in accordance with the requirements of the market. Determined that the major transformation under conditions that directly affect the distribution processes in the region is an extension of the legal and economic autonomy of regional governments and the development of forms of enterprise ownership, the intensification of horizontal economic relations, strengthening the role of market mechanisms and financial – credit relations in the regional distribution process.


Sergey Sorokin Improving management conceptseconomic connections inthe region information and development of the single economic space // The Russian Academic Journal, Vol. 26, Issue 4, 2013, pp. 0-0


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