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Архив номеров » Volume 27, issue 1

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Опубликовано 21 апр 2014 На SciPeople 1 июл 2015 Журнал The Russian Academic Journal

Bank tending of subjects of agricultural services: problems and solutions

Larisa Vdovenko, Olga Vdovenko / Alexey Fedorov контактное лицо
21 апр 2014


Agriculture and agro industry is a strategically important sector of the economy depends on the development of the level of food and national security<br />of Ukraine. In this context, improving the financial security needs of agricultural production through the mechanism of effective bank lending.<br />Today lending industry is reduced due to the impact of the global financial crisis on lending due to liquidity problems in the banking system of<br />Ukraine, was the rise in price of bank loans have become more stringent conditions for the creditworthiness of borrowers, collateral, a limited number<br />of loan programs for small and medium business and risk industry (the share of problem loans in the agricultural loan portfolio of domestic<br />banks reaches 10%) led to banks reluctant cooperation with farmers.<br />Solving the problems of the agricultural sector lending in Ukraine depends on the effective activity of creating the State Land Bank, the lifting of the<br />moratorium on the sale of land, which would allow the agrarian sector to attract credit resources on the security of land.


Larisa Vdovenko, Olga Vdovenko Bank tending of subjects of agricultural services: problems and solutions // The Russian Academic Journal, Vol. 27, Issue 1, 2014, pp. 0-0



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