THE RUSSIAN ACADEMIC JOURNAL » Архив номеров » Volume 28, issue 2 » Публикация
Опубликовано на SciPeople2015-07-01 11:45:51
ЖурналThe Russian Academic Journal
Evaluation of the Population to the Elites as an Indicator that Reflects the State of the External and Internal Security of the State
Alexandr Ponedelkov, Sergey Vorontsov Evaluation of the Population to the Elites as an Indicator that Reflects the State of the External and Internal Security of the State // The Russian Academic Journal, Vol. 28, Issue 2, 2014, pp. 0-0
This article analyzes the assessment of status and approaches the study of contemporary regional political elites influencing the
decision of the administrative, political and administrative decisions in transitional societies, suggestions to improve the process of
modernizing elites, discussed a number of problematic transit of elitology: to create an effective talent pool at all levels of political
and administration, the openness of elites at all levels, the organization full control over the government and management structures,
compliance with the law.
Objective: To study the perceptions about the activities of the federal and regional political elites, the study characteristics of the
formation of the Russian federal and regional elites, ways to improve the state personnel policy, the interaction of the elites in the
domestic socio-political space, to improve the transparency of government.
Methodology: used historical and legal, formal-legal, structural and functional and analytical methods.
Results: Materials of sociological research on «Modern regional elites», which involved respondents from the Republic of Adygea,
Dagestan, Bashkortostan, Komi, the Chechen Republic, the Altai, Krasnodar, Stavropol, Kaliningrad, Kurgan, Rostov, Ryazan, and
Chelyabinsk Chita regions. The basic assessment of the status and prospects of development of modern Russian elitology problems
recruiting Russian federal and regional political elites, the interaction of the elites in the domestic socio-political space. Reflects
perceptions about the regional political elites considered as an indicator that reflects the status of the internal security of the
regions. The analysis of the criteria of elitism, determine a set of personal and professional qualities of the persons recruited into
the elite. A convergence of opinions and experts and respondents of the public that the elite must meet four main criteria: professionalism,
education, high morality and patriotism. In this case, the respondents took the professionalism much larger proportion
than the experts. The experience of the modernization of the American political elite, ensured the American withdrawal from the
protracted socio-economic crisis in the first half of the last century and experience reformatting the national elite of the Republic
of Korea, which was able to bring the country out of a deep crisis in the postwar period.
Discussion: Discussions of modern elitology, quoted in the article, were part of the First All-Russian elitological Congress of Russia:
Current State and Prospects of Development», held in Rostov-on-Don, 7-8 October 2013. There were suggested that the main
problems lied in the absence of Russian «new» elite, ready to take on new roles and manage «in a new way.» Reasoned thesis that in
societies in transition, what continues to be a Russian, generally one can not speak of the elite. There are only certain conditions for
its occurrence, the starting material or protoelite that does not fulfill its basic function, but only seeks to remain in power. In other
words, the country has the political class, but there is no elite, because its content does not match the form. Noted a discrepancy
between elitism, understood in the traditional sense of the concept, and the possession of real political power, which ultimately
determines the low competence of a significant number of defendants who have fallen into the elite, bringing them into the elite
layer of corruption mechanisms of activity, lack of motives for self-improvement. It was stated that in today’s Russia in individuals
who do not have sufficient funds, social support and family relationships with superiors, the chance to break into the elite is almost
zero. As a result, the authorities are in the «average» of the second and third echelons of the bureaucratic elite, from which creativity
is pointless to wait.
Novelty / originality / value: the article is original, has scientific value, since it is one of the first attempts to objectively assess the
real state of the federal and regional political elites, to analyze the level of development of the domestic building materials of First
All-Russian elitological Congress.
decision of the administrative, political and administrative decisions in transitional societies, suggestions to improve the process of
modernizing elites, discussed a number of problematic transit of elitology: to create an effective talent pool at all levels of political
and administration, the openness of elites at all levels, the organization full control over the government and management structures,
compliance with the law.
Objective: To study the perceptions about the activities of the federal and regional political elites, the study characteristics of the
formation of the Russian federal and regional elites, ways to improve the state personnel policy, the interaction of the elites in the
domestic socio-political space, to improve the transparency of government.
Methodology: used historical and legal, formal-legal, structural and functional and analytical methods.
Results: Materials of sociological research on «Modern regional elites», which involved respondents from the Republic of Adygea,
Dagestan, Bashkortostan, Komi, the Chechen Republic, the Altai, Krasnodar, Stavropol, Kaliningrad, Kurgan, Rostov, Ryazan, and
Chelyabinsk Chita regions. The basic assessment of the status and prospects of development of modern Russian elitology problems
recruiting Russian federal and regional political elites, the interaction of the elites in the domestic socio-political space. Reflects
perceptions about the regional political elites considered as an indicator that reflects the status of the internal security of the
regions. The analysis of the criteria of elitism, determine a set of personal and professional qualities of the persons recruited into
the elite. A convergence of opinions and experts and respondents of the public that the elite must meet four main criteria: professionalism,
education, high morality and patriotism. In this case, the respondents took the professionalism much larger proportion
than the experts. The experience of the modernization of the American political elite, ensured the American withdrawal from the
protracted socio-economic crisis in the first half of the last century and experience reformatting the national elite of the Republic
of Korea, which was able to bring the country out of a deep crisis in the postwar period.
Discussion: Discussions of modern elitology, quoted in the article, were part of the First All-Russian elitological Congress of Russia:
Current State and Prospects of Development», held in Rostov-on-Don, 7-8 October 2013. There were suggested that the main
problems lied in the absence of Russian «new» elite, ready to take on new roles and manage «in a new way.» Reasoned thesis that in
societies in transition, what continues to be a Russian, generally one can not speak of the elite. There are only certain conditions for
its occurrence, the starting material or protoelite that does not fulfill its basic function, but only seeks to remain in power. In other
words, the country has the political class, but there is no elite, because its content does not match the form. Noted a discrepancy
between elitism, understood in the traditional sense of the concept, and the possession of real political power, which ultimately
determines the low competence of a significant number of defendants who have fallen into the elite, bringing them into the elite
layer of corruption mechanisms of activity, lack of motives for self-improvement. It was stated that in today’s Russia in individuals
who do not have sufficient funds, social support and family relationships with superiors, the chance to break into the elite is almost
zero. As a result, the authorities are in the «average» of the second and third echelons of the bureaucratic elite, from which creativity
is pointless to wait.
Novelty / originality / value: the article is original, has scientific value, since it is one of the first attempts to objectively assess the
real state of the federal and regional political elites, to analyze the level of development of the domestic building materials of First
All-Russian elitological Congress.