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Архив номеров » Volume 31, issue 1

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Опубликовано 15 июн 2015 На SciPeople 1 июл 2015 Журнал The Russian Academic Journal

Electronıc Document Management System in the Turkısh Publıc Sector and Recommendatıons

15 июн 2015


In a world of acceleration of alteration, where management mentality of the society is basing on necessitates of globalization and<br />information, a need of changes came forward in public management systems, the alteration from industrial society to information<br />society has been made public management information systems quite important. Taking into account the necessity of providing<br />public services in the best way, using information technologies is the best way for understanding a new public management.<br />In this context the public sector has been transitioned into electronic document managemen system during the e-state (electronic<br />goverment service) period, seems itself of the difficulties to be overcome of make efficiency, reliability and permanency of this system.<br />This study evaluated what the electronic document management system, using in the public sector of Turkey, is and gives the<br />recommendations for overcoming current difficulties.


Kenan ABACI Electronıc Document Management System in the Turkısh Publıc Sector and Recommendatıons // The Russian Academic Journal, Vol. 31, Issue 1, 2015, pp. 0-0



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