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Архив номеров » Volume 31, issue 1

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Опубликовано 17 июн 2015 На SciPeople 1 июл 2015 Журнал The Russian Academic Journal

E-Munıcıpalıty Brings Local Socıal and Economıc Benefıts for Bursa Metropolıtan Munıcıpalıty

17 июн 2015


Each transformation that occurred in the world is also taking influence upon countries and governments. Today the progress of<br />globalization in economic terms but also in the middle of the border between the information and communication technology in<br />the world is also experiencing rapid developments. Precisely the e-government and e-municipality concept, its application to a local<br />government should be investigated during this process; rendering the e-municipal services to citizens via the internet, to other<br />institutions, companies and also providing information to employees of e-Government / e-Municipality was introduced in this<br />concept.<br />Information and communication technologies, especially computers and the Internet have become an important part of modern<br />society now and has influenced almost every area of daily life. These developments affect the public institutions as well as businesses<br />inevitable. Expectations of the citizens from public institutions with the widespread use of information and communication<br />technologies in society and their demands have been changed in this regard. Citizens in the information age of communication and<br />information sharing expectations are always interactive with the public institutions using the internet. Therefore, e-government<br />and e-municipality efforts to serve citizens more efficiently and effectively have been recognized worldwide. E-municipality and egovernment<br />concepts are discussed in this study. Diversification of the use of technology and the expansion hereof and facilitating<br />access to the Internet resulted in citizens’ developments through technology, of course, such developments in technologies bring<br />services in municipalities closer to the people.<br />E-municipality can provide not only the services they announce in their ads. Some of the municipalities are still unable to reach all<br />the people by the use of technology and the internet; but some municipalities made good use of this opportunity and began delivering<br />services to the public via the Internet much faster. Municipalities have engaged private organizations possessing the modern<br />technology in their work and so they will increase the efficiency of rendering the e-services.


Adnan Yuksel E-Munıcıpalıty Brings Local Socıal and Economıc Benefıts for Bursa Metropolıtan Munıcıpalıty // The Russian Academic Journal, Vol. 31, Issue 1, 2015, pp. 0-0



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