Татьяна Портнова » Публикация

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Опубликовано 2012-11-25 На SciPeople2015-07-21 ЖурналScience, technology and Higher Education Materials of the international research and practice conference

Slavis genesis in historical-cultural heritage of theflrst period of «Russian ballet seasons».

Portnova T / Татьяна Портнова


Spread of the Base article are images of Russian choreography in the context of the domestic scenery of art, when the first period dâgilevskoj Entreprise became the beginning of a new era of European Ballet. Analyzes the performances of Russian national themes, the origins of which lie in the Slavic proobrazah.


Vol.1. 2012. Westwood, Canada. 2012. с 562- 565.


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