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«Саратовский научно-медицинский журнал»

Журнал Архив номеров О журнале Авторам Авторам Читатели Блог

Архив номеров » Volume 11, issue 3

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Страницы 305 - 309 Опубликовано 25 сен 2015 На SciPeople 6 мар 2016 Журнал Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research

Premature infants' health at multiple induced pregnancy.

Chernenkov Yu.V., Nechaev V.N., Stasova Yu.V., Tereshenko V.A. / Антон Киселев контактное лицо
25 сен 2015 | 4 стр.


<p>Objective: to define the risk factors adversely influencing prenatal development at premature birth at use of methods of assisted reproductive technology (ART); to estimate premature' infants health from multiple induced pregnancy according to Perinatal Center of Saratov for last 3 years. Material and Methods. Under supervision there were 139 pregnant women with application ART. 202 children (51 twins were born and 5 triplet babies), from them 83 premature infants born from multiple induced pregnancy have been analyzed. Results. The newborns examined by method ART, were distributed as follows: 22-28 weeks — 19 children; 29-32 weeks — 23; 33-36 weeks — 41. Asphyxia at birth was marked at all premature infants. Respiratory insufficiency at birth is revealed in 87,3% of cases. The most frequent pathologies in premature infants are revealed: neurologic infringements and bronchopulmonary pathology occured at all children, developmental anomaly — 33, 8%, retinopathies in premature infants — 26,5%. The mortality causes include: extreme immaturity, cerebral leukomalacia, IVN 3 degrees. Conclusion. The risk factors, premature birth at application of methods ART are revealed: aged primiparas, pharmacological influence, absence of physiological conditions of prenatal development; multifetation. The high percent of birth of children with ELBW and ULBW is revealed. RDCN with further BPD development, retinopathies in premature infants and CNS defeat is more often occured.</p>


Chernenkov Yu.V., Nechaev V.N., Stasova Yu.V., Tereshenko V.A. Premature infants' health at multiple induced pregnancy. // Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research, Vol. 11, Issue 3, 2015, pp. 305-309



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