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«Саратовский научно-медицинский журнал»

Архив номеров Авторам Авторам Читатели Блог

Архив номеров » Volume 11, issue 4

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Опубликовано 2015-12-25 На SciPeople2016-03-06 ЖурналSaratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research

Prognosis of development of unfavorable phenomena of chemotherapy in patients with for the first time revealed tuberculosis of lungs

Danilov A.N., Morozova T.l., Doktorova N.P. / Антон Киселев контактное лицо


Aim: development of criteria and a method of prognosing of emergence of adverse side effects to the first mode of chemotherapy at patients with for the first time revealed tuberculosis. Materials and Methods: The analysis of the collateral reactions (CR) on tubercular preparations has been carried out at 214 patients receiving treatment at the first mode of chemotherapy. During the treatment an indicator of quality of life by a technique the DIGNITY (health, activity, mood), a condition of intersystem interaction of respiratory and cardiovascular systems of an organism (Hildebrant's coefficient), a vegetative index of Kerdo were estimated at patients. Results. Ufavorable effects on PTP develop at every third patient (33,6%). The CR different types depends on the age and availability of the accompanying pathology. Allergic reactions develop at patients with existence of endocrine pathology (27,8%) authentically more often, toxic — at patients with defeats of nervous system (56,3%). Extent of change of an index of Kerdo of 59,4±2,4%, Hildebrant's coefficient 48,9± 1,6% in the first 4 weeks of treatment of the patient corresponds to emergence of CR in the first 3 months of chemotherapy. Conclusion. Dynamics of coefficient of Hildebrant, Kerdo's index and an indicator of treatment, SAN at the initial stages, are considerably associated with the risk of development of side effects of chemotherapy and were a basis of the developed computer system expert for prognosing the development of these complications. The predictive value of system is 76,3% of sensitivity at 84,7% of specificity.


Danilov A.N., Morozova T.l., Doktorova N.P. Prognosis of development of unfavorable phenomena of chemotherapy in patients with for the first time revealed tuberculosis of lungs // Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research, Vol. 11, Issue 4, 2015, pp. 576-582


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