25 дек 2015
На SciPeople
6 мар 2016
Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research
Comprehensive radiation survey and public health assessment in the vicinity of NPP
Samoilov A.S., Shandala N.K., Korenkov I.P., Romanov V.V., Filonova A.A., Novikova N.Ya.
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25 дек 2015
Aim. For many years, SRC-FMBC carried out comprehensive monitoring of radiation-hygienic situation in order to assess the dynamics of the measurement of the environmental media, public health and to develop health and epidemiological measures to assure the public welfare. Matherial and methods. The radiation-hygienic conditions of the environment are assessed by comparing the obtained results with the regional background values. Result. The radionuclide concentrations in the environmental media within the NPP supervision area do not exceed typical regional background values. We studied the radionuclide concentrations in some foodstuffs of plant and animal origin, drinking water and other environmental media. The concentrations of 137Cs and 90Sr in foodstuffs are the same as in the similar foodstuffs from other regions and the whole Russia. This is due to global precipitation of 137Cs and 90Sr following the nuclear weapons tests and accident at the Chernobyl NPP of 1986. Conclusion. According to analysis of the main
health indicators of the public living around the NPP, general state of the adult and children public is healthy. There is no impact of the NPP on negative trends in some changing indicators of the adult and children public health.
Samoilov A.S., Shandala N.K., Korenkov I.P., Romanov V.V., Filonova A.A., Novikova N.Ya. Comprehensive radiation survey and public health assessment in the vicinity of NPP // Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research, Vol. 11, Issue 4, 2015, pp. 633-637
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